Zoe Foster vs. Perth: “Surprise and Delight”.

by | Mar 20, 2010 | Events, Inner City, Products, Reviews | 3 comments

♥ Zoe ♥

Last night, as previously mentioned myself and another Wellness WA-er were lucky enough to be two of a handful of girls to be spoilt by the company, knowledge and devastating good looks of one Ms. Zoe Foster of Primped fame, she is kind of my idol, shhh!

We also got a David Jones beauty goodie bag to rival anything you have ever seen before. Ever. EVER. I showed a boy afterwards and even HE was incredibly impressed with the amount o’ loot we received!

So I’m going to do a little write-up of the event, because I’m new to this whole ‘beauty event’ game and it’s still quite thrilling, plus, you really missed out if you weren’t there so I’d love to share!

The event started with a bunch of pleased-as-punch ladies being ushered into a roped off area, complete with water, delish muffins, little sammies and of course our gracious host waiting in the wings.

Zoe chatted to us about the new David Jones / PRIMPED lookbook, which is a visual delight and I strongly recommend picking one up, so pretty. We then went on a tour of 10 different DJ’s brands, learning of her faves, the best picks for the season, and even picking up more samples and treats on the way!

One of which was a mini bottle of Miss Dior Cherie!!! Amazing kids, absolutely amazing.

I’ll be doing a separate post on the other contents of the goodie bag and some of my thoughts, so keep an eye out for that.

After the tour, it was Q n A, where we learned that Zoe eats what she wants and still manages to outshine everyone. Her mega-tip is OMNILUX and I quote:

“You can drink 48 tequila shots and still have glowing skin”
– sold yet?

After our time was up, my colleague and I bought copies of her new fiction book, Playing the Field and got them signed. It was a fantastic event and I look forward to stalking, or they call it “Following” these days don’t they?!, Zoe on Twitter & PRIMPED even more now!

34.5 stars / 5

Were you there? Do you think Zoe Foster is a right stunner? Do you like delish muffins?
Talk to me about any of these things!

Be well,



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  1. Kelly

    I was there sitting right next to you! I’m eager to try the revlon foundation once my lancome foundation finishes (which will be another 6 months I’m expecting!) and the lash powder by clinique. Also would like to get a make-over by bobbi brown after seeing Zoe’s beautiful face done up by them!

  2. Jacqui


    My friend and i were at the Primped Look Book, the goody bags were amazing weren’t they! Also I used to “follow” her from when she had her Fruity Beauty blog. It’s still up there and i regularly refer to it for advice and tips!
    I love your blog and I hate how Perth doesn’t have access to half the treatments/ products the eastern states have!

  3. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Hey Jacqui!

    I followed Zoe over from fruitybeauty too! That was so long ago now, but I loved that lil blog.

    Thank you soooo much for your kind words too! Part of my aim for Wellness WA is to increase the profile of WA beauty / wellbeing and eventually maybe we can be at an even keel with the Eastern staters! 🙂 xx


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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

Hey there, I'm Annette!

 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

I search high & low to find the best local wellness-y gems so you know where to go to get a deluxe massage, the most zen inspiring yoga class, the best acai bowl in town… and so much more.

Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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