Yoga Babe Crushes: Tara Stiles & Kathryn Budig.

by | Feb 3, 2012 | Exercise, Yoga | 2 comments

♥ ♥ ♥

I have to share with you my latest lady crushes. It’s all well and good to admire actors and celebs and be jealous of their amazing wardrobe (note: they get 99% of it free), social life, boyfriend etcetera BUT why not admire those who are doing incredible things in the world of wellness, helping other people and basically showing us how amazing life can be?

Especially when they look amazing (a testament to the results gained from what they do) and are constantly putting positive energy back into the universe – getting a little hippie here!

ENTERRRR… my two latest yoga obsessions – Tara Stiles & Kathryn Budig!

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1. Tara Stiles

Impossibly gorgeous and an ex-model, Tara has an approach to yoga which has been described as “unconventional” and she has received some criticisms for not sticking to the traditional style of any one yoga practice. She advocates yoga for EVERYONE and does away with sanskrit terms (eg. Savasana, Gomulkasana etc), instead choosing to use the simplest terminology such as “lower back” or “pigeon pose”.

Tara also has an incredibly interesting and frequently updated Youtube Channel, which I may have become slightly addicted to! She is gorgeous, but unintimidating in her videos, with her easygoing personality and “just one of the guys” vibe.

She founded the school Strala Yoga in New York and I would love, love, love to go there one day! 🙂

2. Kathryn Budig

She’s been described as ‘yoga’s first supermodel’ and with gorgeous glowing skin, shiny blonde hair and a beaming smile it’s not hard to see why. But it’s Kathryn’s devotion to an outside cause that most impresses me.

Poses for Paws is an initiative started by Budig and a friend, to raise money through yoga classes for dog shelters and organisations that help to find our gorgeous furry woofballs loving homes. Their current focus if the ‘Beagle Freedom Project’ (inspired by the love of her very own beagle).

Most people wouldn’t know this, but Beagle’s are one of the most popular choices for animal testing labs, due to their gentle and forgiving nature and non-aggressiveness towards lab techs (the same ones performing tests on them). Absolutely horrific stuff.

I recommend this video about the Beagle Freedom Project, it’s very interesting – prepare to weep a few tears, it makes me want to devote my life to saving these guys. They are so beautiful, and even after living in a lab cage for their whole lives they’re still willing to wag their tails, and seeing the dogs in the video run around on the grass for the first time is equal parts devastating and beautiful at the same time.

So, two beautiful yogis, both doing wonderful things – have you heard of either of these two ladies before?

Be well,



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  1. miss marian

    great and inspiring post, thanks – awesome video!

  2. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Thanks Marian, I’m so glad you enjoyed 🙂 It’s always nice to have a focus on some yoga babez! xx

Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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