X-Press Fashion Magazine – Winter Edition – Forest Fresh!

by | Jun 27, 2012 | Other, Products, Reviews | 4 comments

A little bit of excitement over here in my office, as the last edition of the X-Press Fashion Magazine is out!! Yours truly writes an article once a quarter for this print publication, you can pick up a copy where X-Press is distributed, BUT if you don’t feel like venturing out into the cold then it’s lovingly served it up online here for you: X-Press Fashion Magazine – Winter 2012.

The ‘Forest Fresh’ article takes a look at beauty and wellness therapies and products that take inspiration from our local woodlands… let me know what you think!

Best regards,



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  1. miss marian

    I quite enjoyed reading your article for this issue – I am fond of all products local and nature-derived! Thanks for highlighting a couple I wasn’t aware of =).

  2. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Thanks Miss Marian, that’s so sweet of you to say 🙂 XOX

  3. miss marian

    Not at all!
    I didn’t realise you wrote for it so often – I’ll be picking up a copy more often from now on.

  4. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Thank you darling, that’s lovely 🙂 X

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