Wellness Tips: myspringday.com.au “Jog Squad” – the perfect way to get fit for the City to Surf!

by | Jul 15, 2010 | Events, Exercise | 8 comments

For those among us who are runners, joggers, aspiring runners/joggers or slow walkers (hand straight up in the air over here!) and are wanting a little nudge and inspiration to get fit or perhaps take part in one of the Fun Runs coming up in the near future, I present to you: The Jog Squad!

Myspringday is an Australian website I’ve recently stumbled across that will help guide you to fitness. Their latest project, ‘The Jog Squad‘ is a free program designed to make it easier for you to reach your running goals by allowing you to interact with fitness experts and other runners.

There’s a few Fun Runs coming up in Perth over the next 6 months and this could be the catalyst to get you ready for them!

Fun Runs in Western Australia for the rest of 2010:

18th July – Big Fun Run, Perth 5km
1st August – Womens Fun Run, Bunbury 5km
19th August – City to Surf, Perth 4km/11km/12km/21km/42km

As part of the free membership to ‘The Jog Squad‘, myspringday will send you weekly motivational support e-mails and there are even over $4,000 worth of prizes being thrown around which is never a bad thing.

If running if your thing, or you want it to be, I would suggest checking this out! Let me know if you do!

Is anyone else participating in any runs this year?

Be well,


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  1. Shelley

    Brilliant thanks for the heads up!

    I am doing the City to Surf 4km and am tempted to do the 5k on the 18th now I know about it but I don’t think I’m quite ready for it yet!

  2. Shelley

    Actually, the big fun run looks to be in Perth, UK not here so maybe they have some wires crossed?

  3. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Hi Shelley!

    No problem at all… good pick up on that too! You should give it a go, from what I’ve read you’re a good little runner! xox

  4. Shelley

    I signed up so I will see how it goes 🙂 I’ve been letting my running slide in the past few weeks so I need to get back into it!

  5. amy

    win! signing up now! 😀 City to Surf is my aim… failing might be my game 😉

  6. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Awesome! Glad you guys like it 😀

    I reckon you’ll power through amy!

  7. Conor @ HoldtheBeef

    Will be doing the City to Surf 12km but have failed to start training for it… hmmmm.. well, I’ve done it before without training but I was determined to actually improve on my time this year. The thing is though… I hate running! I need a way to train for a running event without actually running. Asking for the impossible?

  8. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Hey Conor!

    If you hate running – why do you do running races then?! You should do something you like! Xx

Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

Hey there, I'm Annette!

 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

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Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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