Wellness Recipe: A Simple, Energising Morning Smoothie!

by | Mar 9, 2012 | Food, Organic, Wellness Tips | 4 comments

Bonjour! I’ve recently become the happy owner of an iPhone, so you will be seeing a lot more piccies on Wellness WA which should make things much more colourful and visual. I hope you enjoy 🙂

I’ve had this smoothie the last two mornings and it’s definitely pepped me up and gotten the day off to a great start…

Magnificent Morning Smoothie!

♥ 1-2 x cup of chilled, filtered water
♥ 1 x frozen banana
♥ 1 x cup of frozen blueberries
♥ 1 x small (organic) apple
♥ 2 x cups of spinach
♥ 1 x tbsp Grants Liquid B Vitamins (love, love, love this stuff in helping to manage stress)
♥ 1 x tbsp Pepitas


♥ 2 x tsp pea protein powder

Whiz this all up for 1-2 minutes and you’ll have a vitamin packed, cooling breakfast treat that is sure to make your toast eating housemate jealous!

I like to add the protein powder to give a more sustained energy boost, and I’m trying to gain a little weight at the moment!

Tah dah! Final smoothie + messy bench top & gratuitous organic fruits and veggies for good measure.

What do you think of this smoothie recipe?

Let me know if you end up trying it 🙂

Be well,



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  1. miss marian

    sounds yummy! I’m on the lookout for a new blender at the moment; which do you use?

  2. Hannah

    I think your smoothie sounds fantastic! It’s a pity I don’t have a great blender for smoothies, but my bamix is good for whizzing up fruit & milk. Sometimes I add barley grass powder to my smoothies, just not that much!

  3. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Hi Miss Marian,

    Mine is just an old Breville Optima blender, it’s about $80-90 and does the job well 🙂 It has steel blades, a glass body and I could recommend it! You can get it from most Myer’s I believe.


  4. miss marian

    thanks for the recs! =)

Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

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