Hiya! Monday morning calls for some extra assistance this week and we’re here to throw some (hopefully) inspirational little shiny morsels into your hands and let you run with them…
So, I once again present to you the weekly round-up of all the best beauty, health & wellbeing related links that have crossed my path this week, hope you enjoy! xo
♥ My Own Journey to Fitness & Wellbeing – a few people have been asking lately so I thought I’d re-post this one. I’m currently about to take up a personal trainer which was one of the things on the list… exciting times ahead for my fitness!!
♥ How to be Fabulous in Three Easy(ish) Steps – well worth a look, the three steps are not as hard to come by as you’d expect…
♥ How do you cope with the judgey judgey voice in your head? – Sarah Wilson lets us into her brain and also looks at a few ways we can combat our nasty inner voice.
♥ Did your breakfast sabotage your skin today?
♥ How to Eat Before and After a Workout – from Healthy Bitch Daily (!!)
♥ Why You Should Apply Sunscreen First – seriously you must watch this one, I learned heaps! A really interesting video that explains the science (in an easy to understand way) of why applying sunscreen first is vital. Must must must watch!
♥ http://www.meatalternatives.org provides a list of meat alternatives search-able by brand and state!
♥ Why Happiness is Something We All Need to Invest in from the ever-lovely Yasemin from PRIMPED. Loved this one.
♥ 10 Instant Mood Boosters – do some now!
♥ Self Care Tips for Busy People – and that’s most of us.
♥ Mummies Point to Man Made Cancer – thousands of years ago cancer was almost non-existent… food for thought.
Hope you enjoyed this weeks installment, I think there’s something for everyone!
Be well,