by Annette @ Wellness WA | Nov 4, 2009 | Other
Tweet This update is coming to you live from San Francisco, California! Unfortunately I am sick with a cold right now (for the first time in forever!) and have to undertake a 20+ hour flying journey Tomorrow, so I’m not exactly looking forward to it. What I am...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Oct 27, 2009 | Alternative Therapy, Dining, Inner City
As previously mentioned, Raw Food is slowly starting to make it big, even in our little city more and more people are discovering the health and beauty benefits of eating a non-processed, fresh and organic based diet. One company that I’ve happened upon recently...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Oct 24, 2009 | Alternative Therapy
While for years many have deemed Perth slower to catch on, less trendy and dare I say it, boring, in comparison to our hyper-cool sibling cities of Melbourne and Sydney, seemingly lately the quality of life, art and culture are taking a turn for the exponentially...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Oct 18, 2009 | Beauty Salon, Inner City, North of River, South of River
Today feels like one of those potentially historical moments in time, when you discover something amazing that could knock you out of your skincare rut and maybe even change your life. This may sound dramatic, but I have high hopes for my newest finding: Omnilux...