Perth Product Range Review: Serenade Organic.

by | Sep 30, 2011 | Organic, Products, Reviews | 2 comments

I’ve done it! I’ve FOUND it! My search is over. I’ve been on a mission to overhaul my skincare routine for some time now and now I think I’ve found the goodies I was after.
So, a little about me. Mid-30’s gal (I refuse to be more specific here), healthy, acne problems all through adulthood (not really disastrous acne, but enough to shake my confidence) and just coming to terms with the new lines and wrinkles that are appearing on my face.

I’m also at a point where I’ve started to switch over to organic and natural products, be it cleaning products, hair products, food and skin care.

So in regards to the skin care world, I wanted to switch to a certified organic range and this proved to be more difficult than I imagined.

So, ‘certified’ organic? You got it. CERTIFIED ORGANIC. There is a huge difference between an organic product and a ‘certified’ organic product and until I looked into it, I didn’t realise just how big a difference there is.

Anyone can claim to have an organic or natural product just by having one natural or organic ingredient in the product, but they can and usually still do contain a number of potentially harmful chemicals. To be ‘certified organic’ the product needs to be in its purest form, 100% chemical free, in other words no nasties and all the good stuff. How many times have you been tempted to buy a moisturiser or shampoo that has the words ‘Organic’ or ‘Natural’ plastered all over the label and snap it up believing you are doing something good for your wellbeing? We all do! It’s only now that I realise, anyone can plaster this claim over their labels, but scratch the surface and quite often you’ll find the actual organic or natural quota is miniscule, but because it exists in the product, they push it as a selling point. For the most part, we’re fooled by it!
So, in my mission to find a certified organic skin care range, I found Serenade Organic.


While basking in the sun, sipping a smoothie at Yelo overlooking Trigg beach, I saw a range of skin products perched on the shelf, nestled amongst the vintage aprons, organic muesli and environmentally friendly bits and bobs. They have a moisturiser (Nourish), a cleanser (Purify) and an eye cream (Restore). The packaging was lovely and was beautifully presented with testers. Being the ‘free sample’ whore that I am, I popped some of the moisturiser and eye cream on to give it a whirl.

♥ Travel Pamper Pack

I loved it instantly, but I wanted to see how my skin reacted to it over a longer period of use. To my delight, they had a travel pamper pack available which is a 10 day sample of 3 products for $29.95. 10 days was a great opportunity to trial it at a great price. So there began my new friendship with Serenade Organic. I took it home and used it that very night.

What first grabbed me, was the gorgeous fragrance. Natural fragrance, mind you! It’s like nothing else I’ve ever used. So hard to put into words, but it reminds me of being in the countryside. It smells like a flipping meadow! Not overpowering, but completely fresh and uplifting. I’ve been using Serenade for 6 months now and still it is the wonderful smell that gives me a lift every morning and every night. Friends will say, “Ooooh, you smell nice!” and the only thing I have on is Serenade.

So aside from the magical meadow smell, the texture and feel was the next thing to impress. Serenade has managed to get that perfect consistency of ‘not too gluggy’ and ‘not too runny’ with their moisturiser so it glides on beautifully and gives your face a feeling of firmness and invigoration. You don’t have to use a lot of it, so it lasts for ages.

Then there’s the eye cream. My new best friend. I kid you not, I would marry it if only the laws would change to allow it. Every morning and every night this goes on without fail. In the morning, my eyes feel fresh and hydrated. Even after a big night! I wake up now with bright eyes that don’t resemble that of a badger.

Their cleanser is the other part to their trinity of wondrous products. Wonderfully soothing and doesn’t strip the skin like so many other cleansers can. Massaged into the skin and removed with cotton balls, removes all of the day’s impurities leaving my face fresh and clean, ready for moisturising. This cleanser has usurped all other cleansers that ever called my bathroom cabinet home.

I’ve seen on their website that they’re bringing out an Age Defy Facial Serum soon, so I’m eagerly awaiting the day that I can adopt that and give it a home. My age certainly needs defying and I love the word ‘serum’. Sounds like it has super powers!

Hailing from this gorgeous part of the world…

So there you have it! I can’t rave about this stuff more (actually I could, but you must surely get the point by now – it’s amazing!). I also love the fact it’s a W.A. product created in one of my favourite parts of the state – Yallingup. I’ve since bought the travel pamper pack for gifts for 4 of my girlfriends who are all interested in making the switch to certified organic and we are all in agreement. Jackpot!


Review by Sheridan Crofts, music quiz master & certified organic convert!

Be well,


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  1. Anai

    Oooooh, that travel pack seems like a great way to try out the range, I wish more brands did something like that. Will definitely have to pick one up :]

  2. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Let me know if you do Anai! Yeah it’s really cheap and a great idea 🙂 xo


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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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