Today feels like one of those potentially historical moments in time, when you discover something amazing that could knock you out of your skincare rut and maybe even change your life.

This may sound dramatic, but I have high hopes for my newest finding: Omnilux Therapy!

After reading a great article by the lovely Ms. Zoe Foster of PRIMPED fame (click here), my brain cells have been tingling with anticipation of trying this somewhat miraculous sounding beauty treatment.

There are two types of light treatments available:

Omnilux Revive – “It is a non-surgical light therapy to help combat visible signs of ageing, plumping visible fine lines and wrinkles and maximising the benefits of your skincare.”

Omnilux Blue – “Omnilux Blue led light therapy is a special frequency of light that penetrates the dermis to kill the bacteria that that lie deep in the follicles causing infection and acne. Omnilux treatments allow the skin to heal naturally improving the skin texture and clarity.”


In lay(wo)mans terms, the Omnilux safely recreates specific wavelengths of light which when applied to the skin work a variety of different voodoo magic tricks by regenerating cells and killing bacteria to give you: a) clear, plump, healthy skin with minimal lines and/or b) greatly diminished signs of acne and redness, depending on which type of light you choose to use.

Here’s an example of a girl who has used the acne-specific Omnilux light:

(sorry everyone, the photo seems to have disappeared off the internet for now… I’ll work on getting another one asap!)

That is a very exciting before & after series for anyone who has ever suffered bad skin, which includes myself.

It’s been approved by the FDA as completely safe!

Beauty editors the world over are swearing by it as their new holy grail for a gorgeous complexion!

And my interest has most certainly been piqued.

So while this information is all well and good, what you really want to know is where you can possibly get such space-age sounding, too-good-to-be-true technology in our little town of Perth, yes?

Well as always, I’m here to help!

My favourite place to have an LED light treatment done is at mi:skn, they are also some of the most affordable in Perth!

307 Lord Street (cnr Court Street)
Highgate WA 6003

Absolutely Beautiful Skin Care and Body Treatment Centre

Shop 22,
Noranda Palms Shopping Centre
58 Benara Road
Noranda or phone us 08 9275 7577

Shop 4, Marmion Village Shopping Centre
19 Sheppard Way
Marmion or phone us 08 9448 8300

Offering Omnilux Revive and Omnilux Blue.

Advanced Beauty Concepts

Claremont – Platinum

Shop 11 Bayview Centre
(upstairs next to Country Road)
1 Leura Street, Claremont 6201

Ph. 9385 5500
Fax. 9385 5522

Mosman Park

Shop 2 Mosman Park Shopping Centre
50 Harvey Street. Mosman Park

Ph. 9384 0011
Fax. 9384 0511

Offering Omnilux Revive.

Bayview Day Spa
Phone +61 (08) 9384 8106
Address Shop G18
Bayview Shopping Centre
Claremont, Western Australia 6010

Offering Omnilux Revive and Omnilux Blue.

Duncraig Beauty Centre
Phone 08 9447 8860
Address Shop 16B/50 Marri Rd, Duncraig 6023, Perth, Western Australia

Offering Omnilux Revive and Omnilux Blue.

Fresh Therapy
Shop 163, Garden City Shopping Centre
125 Riseley Street
Booragoon, Western Australia, 6154
Phone: 08 9315 2060

Currently waiting on confirmation of which Omnilux service they provide.

Julie’s Frangipanis Beauty Salon & Reflexology
43 Rockingham Beach Road
Rockingham, Western Australia, 6168
Phone: 08 9527 2622

Currently waiting on confirmation of which Omnilux service they provide.

Luire Claremont
Times Square
Shop 20 Avion Way
Western Australia 6010

Phone 9383 3352
Fax 9383 3356

Offering Omnilux Revive.

Luscious Therapy
51 Scarborough Beach Road
North Perth
Western Australia 6006
Phone: +61 8 9444 0029

Offering Omnilux Revive.

Serene Day Spa
82 Scarborough Beach Road
Western Australia 6019
Bookings and Information (08) 9245 8188
Fax (08) 9245 8338

Offering Omnilux Revive.

Skin Deep Salons (Note: You will need a PDF reader to use this website as all their information is contained within PDF files)

Skindeep Medi-Spas
Shop 5 Mullaloo Plaza
Koorana Road, Mullaloo
Western Australia 6027
T. (08) 9307 6998

Skindeep Medi-Spas
Shop 4 Central Park Building
777 Hay Street, Perth
Western Australia 6000
T. (08) 9226 2997

Skindeep Medi-Spas
117 Birkdale Road
Western Australia 6014
T. (08) 9387 5414

Skindeep Medi-Spas
Cnr Labouchere Rd., & Preston St.
Western Australia 6152
T. (08) 9368 0829

All offering Omnilux Revive and Omnilux Blue.

Skin Evolution @ Cosmetic Studio
327 Rokeby Road
Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008
Phone: 08 9388 8818

Currently waiting on confirmation of which Omnilux service they provide.

You may also be interested in your own personal Omnilux which can be used in the comfort of your own home: Procyte – Omnilux new-U LED Light Techonology to treat wrinkles!

I cannot wait to try Omnilux Therapy and report my findings. In the meantime, if you have or are thinking of undergoing treatment with Omnilux somewhere in Perth, send me an e-mail or leave a comment and let me know how it went / your thoughts! I’d love to hear 🙂

Be well,


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1 Comment

  1. John

    Hi Anne!

    What’s nice about living in Perth is we’ve got a lot of beauty pampering options to choose from and one of these is the Omnilux Therapy!



  1. Zoe Foster vs. Perth: “Surprise and Delight”. | Wellness WA - [...] Omnilux in Perth! [...]
  2. Day Spa Review: Omnilux and Visia Face Analysis, Skin Deep Medi-Spa, Perth CBD. | Wellness WA - [...] been intrigued with Omnilux for quite a while now, but nothing quite cemented the interest like hero dream-bebe Zoe…
  3. Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Yasemine Trollope (nee Turker), Beauty Editor @ Good Health Magazine, PRIMPED Contributor. | Wellness WA - [...] a toss up between a facial and a massage. I love the Omnilux Light Therapy Treatments that come with…
Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

Hey there, I'm Annette!

 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

I search high & low to find the best local wellness-y gems so you know where to go to get a deluxe massage, the most zen inspiring yoga class, the best acai bowl in town… and so much more.

Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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