KORA Organics Event: Miranda Kerr, Therese Kerr and Some Incredible Quinoa Curry!
Events, Organic, Products, Reviews
♥ A couple of weeks ago, Renee from RENZ Pilates and I went along to a KORA Organics event held in South Perth. Renee writes for the KORA blog, and I of course have a keen interest in any beauty, health or wellness happenings around town! The table setting that greeted us at the event,...
Mother’s Day Giveaway: Be Genki Serenity Home Spa Ritual!
♥ Hands up who loves their Mum? Me, me, me! While we should appreciate them every day, it's lovely that there is a day to officially recognise and appreciate the women who have read us bed time stories, held our hand on the way to school, lovingly cut the crusts off our year 1 sandwiches,...
A Week in the Wellness Life: Bathing, Miranda Kerr & Healthy Shopping.
♥ Does anyone else adore grocery shopping as much as I do? I tend to make a bee-line for any aisle containing the words 'health' or 'organic' and spend ages contemplating giving almost every item a new home in my pantry. This week I picked up a big bag of almonds (to activate and make...

Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Makeup for Porcelain Skins, Kale Chips, Noni Juice & More!!
Food, Makeup, Products, Reviews, Wellness Tips
♥ The start of the REAL autumn-y weather has put a spring in my step. I don't know what it is, but my whole outlook changes when the cooler weather starts setting in. I feel happier, more content and like there are endless possibilities to be explored. It's a fun time. Plus, there's lots of...

Hey there, I´m Olivia Pro
This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about healthy living. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you improve your health & reach your goals. Combining my certification & experience, I want to help you develop a plan to reach your goals.
Halvah sesame snaps dragée. Marshmallow marshmallow tiramisu pastry icing tart. Chocolate cake pie candy gingerbread oat cake jujubes.