Multi-tasking Magical Products!
♥ ♥ There's a lotta love to be had for products that have more than one use, not only do you save money and time, but you also save on precious bathroom bench space, something which is worth an increasing amount these days! Here are my three current...
2012, Work on Myself.
♥ Merry New Year! 2012 is finally here and there is so much that I'd like to squeeze out of it, so I thought I'd share my goals with you, and I would love to hear your goals as well 🙂 Main Goals ♥ Develop my sense of style When I was younger I had a...
2011, Making it happen.
♥ 2011 - thank you. You constantly amazed me with the new and unique opportunities and good times that were frequently presented, here's a tiny rundown of my year: ♥ Took a promotion at work, and from all accounts did pretty good in the new role ♥...
Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Amazing Tinted Moisturiser, Punchy Lip Colour, Detoxing Bath & more.
♥ ♥ This crushes edition is pretty product-centric because there are just so many amazing things that have flown into my world in the past few weeks, I'm super excited to share 'em with you, so lets get started 🙂 ♥ Laura Mercier Illuminating...
Wrap up of the past week: Outdoor cinema picnics, Christmas, Holidays!
♥ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing time with family, friends or yourself, and that your wellbeing hasn't suffered toooo much over the silly season 🙂 ♥ Outdoor Cinema Picnics Behold above, a little picnic feast that I took to...
Perth Day Spa Review: Sound Healing Experience @ Bodhi J Health and Beauty Spa, Wembley, Perth.
When was the last time you experienced something truly unique? Something beautiful, unexpected and rare? For me that was a couple of weeks ago when I was privy to a sound healing session with Julian Silburn at Bodhi J Day Spa. Julian has an extensive background in...