Perth Online Beauty Media (POBM!) Event Wrap-Up and Reviews!
♥ POBM Gals ♥ This Sunday just passed was the culmination of months of organising and planning, the result? The first Perth Online Beauty Media event! So what exactly is POBM? Well it's a group of girls (no guys...yet!) from Perth / WA who blog and write...
Product Review: Jane Iredale’s Chocoholicks!
♥ Have you, like me, made a New Year’s resolution that involves getting healthier, fitter and avoiding stuffing your mouth with sugar/junk/fun stuff? If so, here’s a product that can help satisfy those pesky cravings for a Cadbury family block just by licking...
Product Review: Busby Pure Tissue Oil.
♥ Body grossout is the best kind of high school fun – remember that scene in The Breakfast Club where Ali delights in shaking her dandruff out onto her notebook? As a high schooler, I myself would take great joy in ignoring the ineffectual ramblings of my...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Evelyn Leckie, Perth Model.
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I’m a full time University student and a part-time model in Perth. I’m more than halfway through my degree in Communications at UWA. My favorite thing to do is travel, I’ve worked as a model...
Gifty Giving: Vanilla, Almond & Cranberry Granola!
♥ Even though Christmas has just passed, I have an idea for a thoughtful gift that you can make at home. My recent trip to New York inspired the idea when I ate it for breakfast nearly every morning. I took inspiration from a few recipes on the internet and...
Product Reviews: QV Purifying Mask & QV Day Cream with SPF 30+
♥ QV Skincare have done something marginally wonderful in recent years: they’ve branched, and reinvented, and started to carve out a place for themselves beyond the moderately daggy babies-and-skin-problems niche. QV Purifying Mask This mask is a creamy, very...