My Top Five Natural Beauty Product Wonders!
I think I’ve said before that being spoilt by natural and organic beauty prods is on the top of my non-guilty pleasures list. In the last couple of weeks I’ve been lucky enough to come across 5 new products that have made me swoon/spend many hours locked in my...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Fallon Jones, Fashion and Beauty Photographer + Creativer Director @ Emergent Magazine.
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi, I'm Fallon Jones and I'm a fashion and beauty photographer. I have always been a creative person and so a little over 4 years ago I started my business, Poise Photography. I am a Fully...
Beauty and Wellbeing Crushes: Hairfree Centre, Superb Makeup Artists, Jojoba Company Prodz.
♥ Hello! Did we all enjoy the past week? I hope so 🙂 I'm finding that beauty & wellbeing crushes keep flying at me from all angles... which I guess can only be a good thing, lets jump into this weeks loves shall we? 1. Wonderful Makeup Artists I find it can be...
What are the top 5 wellbeing superfoods, and why?
♥ 1. Apples When it comes to eating for wellbeing, you truly can’t go past apples. Not only are they rich in antioxidants, they have also been shown to significantly lower many of our blood fats. Apples decrease the oxidation of cell membrane fats – which is a...
Budget Beauty: Chux Microfibre Cloth for Exfoliation and Smooth Skin!
♥ Another budget beauty product that I have read about on the Vogue Forum is the microfibre cloth. According to my research (read: Google and Vogue Forum), microfibre cloths are able to eliminate oil, cleanse makeup with just water, exfoliate skin and deep...
Prizes for my Pretties: Benefit They’re Real Mascara & Bella Bamba 3D Brightening Face Powder!!!
♥ Back in primary school, my Mum always sent me to school with extra home-made cookies to share with my friends. I happily dished them out to my hungry kidlet buddies and loved to see them smile as they ate a delicious treat! These days, it's less about the...