Beauty Product Review: Clarisonic Mia AKA My One Way Ticket to Smooth Skin?
♥ Clarisonic Mia, what a cutie! After hearing about this mythical, magical, dream skincare appliance by the name of Clarisonic for many years, I finally got the opportunity to road test it's baby sister, Clarisonic Mia, and the results have me seriously...
Cruelty Free Festival Perth 2011 – Earthwise Community Centre, Subiaco.
♥ Animal Rights Advocates (ARA) is hosting the second annual Perth Cruelty Free Festival on Saturday, November 5th, from 10am till 4pm. The event will be held at Earthwise Community Centre, located at 315 Bagot Road, Subiaco. Entry is free and animal companions...
Product Review: b Collection by Bloom, Black Crackle Polish!
♥ One of my absolute favourite things about make-up is the fact that you can use it to express yourself creatively. It’s your face and quite frankly you can do anything you want to it…and then wash it off later. For me, this includes the nails. If it were...
Product Reviews: Kit Tan Prep Body Scrub & Jane Iredale Tantasia.
♥ My Dad has always said, ‘people just look better with a tan’, and maybe he’s right- a little bit of colour can give you that confidence you need when it’s time to shed the winter layers. BUT, and this is a big but, my Dad has also had more than his fair share...
Product Review: BIOEFFECT EGF Serum.
♥ Honestly, you won’t want to share this. I’m just going to say that right up front. It’s effective and (more honesty here) it’s expensive. You’ll want to set an alarm and get up in the middle of the night to use it if that means you wont have to share it....
Beauty and Wellbeing Routine: Bonnie Doran, Fashion Blogger @ Bonnie Friday.
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I’m a fashion blogger, freelance journalist and law student from Perth, WA. Writing and fashion have always been my two passions, and now I am able to indulge them through the same avenue! My...