Raw Food: A Primer
While for years many have deemed Perth slower to catch on, less trendy and dare I say it, boring, in comparison to our hyper-cool sibling cities of Melbourne and Sydney, seemingly lately the quality of life, art and culture are taking a turn for the exponentially...
Quick Wellness Tip.
I loved this article so much that I just had to share. Hope you enjoy too x Exercise and nutrition: What to eat before and after exercising. I'd been trying to find some good information regarding this for a little while without much luck, miraculously Today I came...
Omnilux in Perth!
Today feels like one of those potentially historical moments in time, when you discover something amazing that could knock you out of your skincare rut and maybe even change your life. This may sound dramatic, but I have high hopes for my newest finding: Omnilux...
Site Improvement: Searching By Location!
At the request of a reader, I've implemented a new feature for the site! You will now be able to search for reviews and information by three new location based categories; which are: South of River, Inner City and North of River. I think this will be pretty helpful,...
Beauty Salon Review: Luxe Aveda Concept Salon; Eyebrow Tinting + Bonus Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage and Eyebrow Tidy Up!
What’s all this about: Eyebrow Tinting, plus bonus head, neck and shoulder massage, as WELL as a bonus eyebrow tidy up. Ka-ching: $19 Verdict: Highly recommended Join the fun: Luxe Aveda Concept Salon (08) 9315 5578, Shop 173, Garden City Shopping Centre, Riseley St,...
Wellness Tips #1
Sometimes we need a little help to be the best we can be, Wellness Tips will be your weekly mini dose of healthy eating ideas, easy feel-good tricks anyone can try, links to useful websites & MUCH MUCH MORE! All related to beauty, wellbeing and feeling great. 1. The...