Treatment and Price List: Nail Sensation, Southlands Boulevarde.
Nail Sensation Shop 48, Southlands Boulevarde Shopping Centre Burrendah Boulevarde Cnr Pinetree Gully Road WILLETTON WA 6155 Ph: 08 9332 4240 Fax: 08 9332 4290 Download Nail Sensation Brochure!
Treatment and Price List: Chic Cosmetics, Southlands Boulevarde.
Chic Cosmetics - Southlands Boulevarde Beauty Salon Shop 49, Southlands Boulevarde Burrendah Boulevarde WILLETTON WA 6155 Ph: 08 9332 6388 Download Chic Cosmetics Brochure!
Treatment and Price List: Foxy Nails, Bull Creek Shopping Centre.
Foxy Nails Shop 23A, Stockland Bull Creek Shopping Centre Cnr Benningfield Road & South Street BULLCREEK, WA 6149 Ph: 08 9312 7897 Download Foxy Nails Brochure!
Rumour Mill: Lush Cosmetics has opened up shop in Perth CBD!
The birdies that hover over my shoulder telling me little secrets have revealed that a brand new LUSH store has opened its doors in the center of Perth city! This spells excellent news for those of you who: A) Love Lush but live nowhere near Garden City, Booragoon...
Twitter me this, Twitter me that.
Tweet This update is coming to you live from San Francisco, California! Unfortunately I am sick with a cold right now (for the first time in forever!) and have to undertake a 20+ hour flying journey Tomorrow, so I'm not exactly looking forward to it. What I am looking...
Raw Food in Perth: The Raw Kitchen!
As previously mentioned, Raw Food is slowly starting to make it big, even in our little city more and more people are discovering the health and beauty benefits of eating a non-processed, fresh and organic based diet. One company that I've happened upon recently is...