A little bit of healthy shopping.

A little bit of healthy shopping.

♥ Today Wellness WA went shopping & picked up a few handy dandy bits 'n pieces to keep us glowing & healthy during this silliest of seasons. ♥ Jojoba Oil This stuff is a delight, but it's pretty expensive as far as natural oils go. I bought a little 25...

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Wellness Tidbits Ahoy!

♥ Hola hola hola! After a scorcher of a weekend (can you say 37 & 39 degree days consecutively?! Yes, Summer is here), I feel like we all need a little bit of a break. Personally, I'm drinking an ice-cold smoothie that consists of the following... ♥ Soy...

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The Perfect Yoga Start-Up Kit!

The Perfect Yoga Start-Up Kit!

Given my interest bordering on obsession with the benefits of yoga there are lots of questions that are constantly being thrown my way. While I am always happy to help one-on-one, I thought it might be useful to answer one of the more common questions here! I really...

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