A little bit of healthy shopping.
♥ Today Wellness WA went shopping & picked up a few handy dandy bits 'n pieces to keep us glowing & healthy during this silliest of seasons. ♥ Jojoba Oil This stuff is a delight, but it's pretty expensive as far as natural oils go. I bought a little 25...
Bargains Galore! Cheapest Diorshow & YSL Touche Eclat in town!!!
♥ Diorshow Mascara & YSL Touche Eclat are two of the most coveted & adored beauty products that I can think of. I own both of them & Touche Eclat in particular has earned me many, many, many compliments with it's magical dark-circle reducing properties! The...
Q & A: Where can I get a fish pedicure in Perth?
♥ Nom. Fish pedicure. Two words that really look a little strange together don't you think? The beauty world is abuzz with these little feet eating fishies. I recently received an e-mail from a reader that I'm going to share with you: "Hi, I am interested to...
Wellness Tidbits Ahoy!
♥ Hola hola hola! After a scorcher of a weekend (can you say 37 & 39 degree days consecutively?! Yes, Summer is here), I feel like we all need a little bit of a break. Personally, I'm drinking an ice-cold smoothie that consists of the following... ♥ Soy...
The Perfect Yoga Start-Up Kit!
Given my interest bordering on obsession with the benefits of yoga there are lots of questions that are constantly being thrown my way. While I am always happy to help one-on-one, I thought it might be useful to answer one of the more common questions here! I really...
How to: Get a great wax at a salon. Part 1!
After one of the worst waxing experiences I've ever had at a salon this weekend, I've decided to share some ways in which to minimize the chances of such unfortunate hot wax related pain and suffering happening to others! The world of salon hair removal can be...