Restaurant Review: Breakfast at Crumpet, Vic Park.
Having heard good reviews & keen for a stomach-rumbling-reducing Sunday morning brunch-date, one of my besties and I made our way down to Crumpet in Vic Park. When we got there it was PACKED and we were very lucky to snare a table outside as a couple were leaving....
What do you do to get motivated?!
So I thought it was time for a bit more of a 'personal' type post on here, just to remind you that there are actual people just like you working hard behind the scenes to make this blog run! Since the weather is cooling down I'm finding it -really- hard to get...
Product Nostalgia – Where to find those old gems!
Do you ever have moments walking along the street, conversations with people or dreams where you are reminded of a product that you used to use ages ago, or your Mum used to use it, or you had heard about it’s release in America/Europe but it never came to Australia,...
Store Review: Loose Produce Wholefoods, Como.
I love wholefoods and the opportunity to buy in bulk! I'd long known my Northie friends were being well serviced by Angry Almond in Nedlands but I yearned for something a little closer to home... it's hard living South of the River in Perth y'know! The discovery of...
Day Spa Review: Lemongrass Body Glow at Bodhi J, Wembley.
I received a gift voucher for a treatment of choice at Bodhi J Day Spa in Wembley as a birthday present. My friend has recently had the Indian Head Massage there and said it was excellent, however I felt like something more indulgent. I decided on a full body scrub,...
Beauty Salon Review: Eyebrow Wax at Kerry Lavell Beauty, South Perth.
♥ A girl will search far and wide for the perfect eyebrow specialist, even say, New York, (a review I will be doing myself later this year) but I've found one that is closer to home, situated in South Perth in a hairdressing salon called Carole Graf is a girl...