Day Spa Review: Omnilux and Visia Face Analysis, Skin Deep Medi-Spa, Perth CBD.
A slightly more relaxing portrayal of Omnilux. I've been intrigued with Omnilux for quite a while now, but nothing quite cemented the interest like hero dream-bebe Zoe Foster and her unforgettable words at the PRIMPED look book event last year: “You can drink 48...
Product Review: Weleda Wild Rose Range.
Continuing with my Weleda love affair are two new products that I have been trialing, both of them are from the Wild Rose range. Even though I love the smell of roses I was initially hesitant to try the Wild Rose range in fear of smelling a little too nana-ish (no...
Lendan and Wellness WA Giveaway Winners!
♥ Hey guys! Even though we're still dealing with the tail end of a contagious little bug that's been flying around the office and getting out of bed is tricky... I couldn't not announce the winners of the Lendan & Wellness WA giveaway. So without further...
Where Can You Buy Chia Seeds in Perth?
♥ ♥ I'm sure you've heard about chia seeds (or the more sexy sounding scientific name Salvia Hispanica) by now! If you haven't, they have been taking the world by storm for the past few years with their incredible nutritional profile, essential fats,...
The Wonders of Rosehips: A Five Way Rosehip Ritual!
Rosehip Buds ♥ Rosehips are good guys, let me persuade you with a few quick facts about these high performing little cuties: ♥ Very high in vitamin C (an excellent antioxidant). ♥ Rose hips contain some vitamin A and B, essential fatty acids and...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Jerico Rose Wallace, Singer in Boys Boys Boys!
Jerico! ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! My name's Jerico, I'm a Virgo and a busy girl! I work two jobs, one in retail and the other at an arthouse cinema. I also sing, dance and play keys in local pop band Boys Boys Boys! which is super...