Weekly Wellness Wrap-Up!
Kit nails! ♥ Today I'd like to share with you the beauty and wellbeing bits n pieces that have made my week - hopefully you like them, please share your wellness wrap-up too if you like! 1. Got ma nails did for FREE at the Kit event in Enex100. And I swear it's...
Beauty and Wellbeing Routine: Julie Quach, Bathing Beauty Organic Apothecary.
Julie Quach, Owner of Bathing Beauty Organic Apothecary. ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I was born in WA, 27 years ago. I went to Curtin Business School and finished a double degree in Marketing and Communications. At the age of 21, I...
Beauty Salon Review: Aromatherapy Facial at Jurlique, Claremont Quarter.
♥ From the outside, it's not clear whether the Jurlique Store in the newly developed Claremont Quarter provides treatments or not. It's a cute little shop, which evokes a sense of being atop a snowy Swiss mountain, nestled in a wooden lodge. Only instead of hot...
Free 10 Minute Paint n Polish @ Kit Cosmetics, Enex 100.
♥ Beeeeyootiful new season Kit nail polish colours! ♥ If you fancy a spruce up before the weekend or just want to try a fresh new shade on your fingertips, then you must absolutely make sure you pop on down to Kit Cosmetics in the enex100 building, Hay...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Aggie Hong, Owner of Moi Moi Fine Jewellery in Carillon City.
♥ Aggie Hong ♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I love to dream big and every experience along the journey is always a blessing! I've just recently opened Moi Moi Fine Jewellery in Carillon City. So it’s all very exciting...
Beauty Salon Review: Deluxe Facial at Bridget Black, Mount Lawley.
♥ Fed up with the way many products and brands in the beauty world were either overpriced, poorly formulated, marketed in a misleading way or all three, Perth chemist, businesswoman and mother Bridget Black decided to take matters into her own hands. Her...