Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Courtney Therry, Makeup Artist & Mecca Cosmetica Sales Assistant.
♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I am a twenty four year old student, make-up artist and wanna-be photographer. I am studying Arts Management at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, working part time at Mecca and...
Wellness WA & Echolife Competition: Win 3 x Jojoba or Rosehip Oils!
Three lucky winners will be sent their choice of either jojoba or rosehip oil! It's time to rejoice 🙂 Wellness WA have teamed up with the wonderful folks at Echolife (they offer the purest and best quality yet affordable products to maintain health and well-being!)...
Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Sunflower seeds, Bobbi Brown, Omnilux and more!
♥ 1. Australian Grown Sunflower Seeds I recently became interested in how I could get more Vitamin E in my diet as it's said to be fantastique for the skin, brain and overall wellbeing. Sounds good to me, I thought, and went on my merry way to buy some...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Francesca Perino, Cosmetic Acupuncturist at mi:skn.
Francesca! ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I've recently returned from living in the UK for 10 yrs, where I trained as an Acupuncturist. About a year ago I fulfilled my dream of opening a dedicated Cosmetic Acupuncture Clinic. Mi:skn...
Product Review: Rodial Glamtox Cleanser and Rodial Glam Balm 2-in-1!
♥ Snakey Skincare ♥ I like to think of Rodial as being the new kids on the block. Although starting up in 1999 surely means that by now they are no rookies, still, Rodial is new to my life. I’ve tried a couple of their products so far, and although their...
Talkin Cherries – Health & Beauty Benefits!
♥ Cherry lurve! ♥ I've been wanting to write this post for ages and have now missed most of the Summer cherry season - noooo! Thankfully, these little red nutrient filled gems are also available in many local supermarkets in the freezer section if you...