Wellness Inspiration: 2 Amazing Yoga Videos!
Sometimes you see something inspiring, and just want to share it immediately so that everyone can feel the way you felt when you saw it. These two videos evoked one of those moments. A beautiful testament to yoga, love and connection - check them out if you want to be...
Day Spa Review: Hydrodermabrasion at Bodhi J Health + Beauty Spa, Wembley, Perth.
♥ My skincare routine has really been ramping up lately. I've started a course of LED light treatments at mi:skn (15 minutes of blue light to kill acne bacteria, then 15 minutes of red light to rejuvenate the skin and get the blood flowing), have been seeing a...
Exercise Review: Bikram Yoga Victoria Park, Perth!
♥ There's most certainly a right and wrong way to go about Bikram Yoga. I learnt this the hard way. My first session I turned up in my standard gym gear = long yoga pants, a t-shirt and a leotard thing (so I can bend this way and that and not have my belly fall...
Ananda Designs – Yoga Inspired Jewellery!
♥ The power of positive thinking has resurged in recent times thanks to ethically dubious sources such as Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, as well as a far more pleasant upsurge in wellness exercise programs like Yoga and Tai Chi. Anyone who has participated in...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Suzey Luong, Owner of Vanity Box Skin Couture.
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I'm the owner and operator of Vanity Box Skin Couture Perth, a Hollywood Regency inspired, appointment only salon that specialises in bespoke face and body treatment sessions. I've always been...