Meet Lara Zilibowitz – Yoga Teacher, Artist & Founder of Back2Roots Retreats
♥ Lara Zilibowitz ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I am an artist and yoga teacher with a long-standing passion for creative expression through the body. Movement and creativity have been the keystones in my own quest towards...
Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Spray-On Aloe Vera, The Best Healthy Chocolate Smoothie Recipe, Twisting Peacock Yoga + More!
Hello! It's been a little while between green drinks, I've been busy working on Wellness WA's new look & layout, plus hitting up LOADS of cool new (and old favourite) wellness options that are popping up around Perth. Coming right up are 4 things that I have been...
Wellness Wrap-Up: Free Yoga in Hyde Park, Annalakshmi Delivery, UberEATS expands & Highgate’s Newest Fitness Class!
♥ Lots of fun going on this week! First up Power Living are hosting a free yoga class in Hyde Park this Sunday 11th December. After a longer than usual Winter, they're hoping to salute the ACTUAL sun on the weekend (fingers crossed for good weather!) with a 90...
Why to Add an Acai Bowl to Your Next Beach Date!
♥ @breakfastinperth One of my favourite things to do in the Perth Summer is, not surprisingly, hit the beach with friends and enjoy our incredibly beautiful coastline. Deep blue water, bright blue sky & shimmering sand. On any given day above 30 there's a high...
Wellness Wrap-Up: New Vegan Meal Delivery, A Hot New Hair Studio Hits Tuart Hill, Vegan Pizza in Leederville & A New Yoga Studio in Booragoon.
♥ Launched in October by the gorgeous Alex Stokeld, Yoga Sita is the new yoga haven in Booragoon for South of the River folks to max out on relaxation and zen vibes. The studio offers beginners courses, plenty of Vinyasa classes & mixes in a little bit of...
Meet Steph Johnson – Yoga Teacher & Manager of COMO Shambhala Urban Retreat.
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I’m the manager & resident yoga instructor at COMO Shambhala Urban Escape. I was first introduced to yoga when i was 16 as method of coping with stress and anxiety. I credit the practice for...