Product Review: Thalgo Extreme Comfort Cream.

Thalgo Extreme Comfort Cream was first recommended to me by my sister who referred to it as a ‘miracle cream’. Now, I’m pretty cynical at the best of times (especially when I hear that overused ‘miracle’ word) but I’m a big fan of moisturizers and an even bigger fan...

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A basic Green Smoothie recipe!

A basic Green Smoothie recipe!

I don't think I've posted this recipe before, and I've had a truck load of people wanting to dip their toes into the wonderful world of these murky looking smoothies! Green smoothies are one of a few things that make me feel on top of the world, full of energy & song....

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Pre-Weekend Procrastination!

♥ hehe ♥ Roll up, roll up (they were pretty tasty snacks yes? albeit terrible for young teeth!) welcome to my array of interesting beauty & health related links that I have dutifully collected over the past week so that I can share them with you, my...

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Tasty, healthy snack: Hot Popcorn!

Image from Winter is the perfect time to get poppin. Picture this: snuggled up by the heater with a loved one, pet or solo (we don't judge!), your favourite movie playing & the scent of popcorn wafting around your house like it's your own private...

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