Food for Thought!

by | May 24, 2010 | Events, Wellness Tips

Source unknown

It seems the past week/end has been our first true hit of the Winter that is to come! Electric blankets & heaters are becoming a staple, as are layers of clothing. I’ve had my first bout of the flu & hopefully my reliance on natural remedies (fresh ginger, honey & lemon tea! lots of sleep!) means my immune system will be ready to stave off any subsequent bugs that fly my way.

SO! Because it is chilly and we probably are spending more time indoors than usual, I’m going to throw a few links your way that I’ve come across recently and enjoyed.

Don’t claim it if you wont follow through – excellent advice for any beauty / spa / other businesses and also good advice for consumers too!!

Coles releases new beauty magazine! – whodathunkit? It is a great idea for those looking for budget buys, so congrats to Coles on this new little venture!

BEAUTYFull Women Networking Event – a unique networking event for women in business, complete with pedicures, reflexology & body balance. UM, sign me up!

It’s all about the chocolate – another networking event, this time in the lush surrounds of the Subiaco San Churro Chocolateria! Less related to wellbeing than the last one…but some research does say chocolate is good for you!

WA VIP Card – new beauty & wellness venture coming SOON, we’ve got some big names on board but our lips are sealed…!

Hope you’re all enjoying the start of Winter! If you have any links to great websites you think we should know about, please, send them through!

Be well,



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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

Hey there, I'm Annette!

 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

I search high & low to find the best local wellness-y gems so you know where to go to get a deluxe massage, the most zen inspiring yoga class, the best acai bowl in town… and so much more.

Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



Halvah sesame snaps dragée. Marshmallow marshmallow tiramisu pastry icing tart. Chocolate cake pie candy gingerbread oat cake jujubes.