For those of you who don’t know, Body Balance is a light-medium intensity workout that combines yoga, pilates & tai-chi style movements.
In my personal experience, Body Balance (BB) is more of a workout than a standard yoga or pilates class. All the movements are done in quick succession and there is less time to rest between poses, or ‘tracks’ as they are called in BB, due to each sequence of moves being performed to music.
I’d previously read that BB is pretty easy, however as I was quite unfit I found myself huffing, puffing and generally being very worn out after my first session! It is definitely suitable for beginners, but you’re not going to just breeze through it and even as your fitness and flexibility develop, you can work harder in the poses, so it’s still challenging.
The lovely Beth usually takes the Tuesday evening (6.30pm) & Saturday afternoon (3.00pm) classes that I frequent, she is very approachable and encouraging, which is exactly what you want in a fitness instructor.
There are various ‘releases’ throughout the year, meaning that the sequence and music of the class changes, which keeps things fresh and new!
Classes generally run a little like this:
♥ A tai-chi style track to warm up
♥ Core strengthening work
♥ A track to work on balance
♥ A track to improve flexibility
♥ Some floor work that targets abs, legs & back
♥ Another tai-chi style track to settle down
♥ Meditation (MY FAVOURITE PART!)
All up the class goes for an hour and I have seen benefits from going such as a tighter tummy, more defined calves, a great feeling of relaxation for the rest of the day and consistently being in a super-cheery mood the day after I attend!
The only negative would be that because the classes have so many attendees and only one teacher, there is no time for personal attention to make sure that you are performing the poses correctly. This leaves room for the possibility of injuries, unlike most yoga classes where the teachers come around and correct you if they notice you’re not aligning yourself right.
If you have any known injuries, you can let the teacher know and they will give you alternative options.
Body Balance @ Riverton Leisureplex costs $10 for an hour and is a worthwhile addition to my exercise routine!
Address: Corner of Riley and High Roads, Riverton
Fax: 9231 0910
Email: leisureplex@canning.wa.gov.au
Be well,
Is this for adults only? I’m a 12 year old and im interested in joining.
Hi Alix!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂 What your best bet would be, is to check with the gym / Riverton Leisureplex by giving them a call. You may need to be accompanied by a parent but I’m not sure.
I have seen some younger girls in class, but best to call up just to make sure 🙂
Hi Annette
Do you know if there are any Body Balance classes close to Thornlie?
Hi Michelle,
I’ve had a quick look around online, and it looks like ‘Leisure World’ which is in Thornlie offers Body Balance classes, you can check it out here:
For more info, and get in touch with them.
Hope that helps!
Annette x
Hi Annette.
I am over 60 & have done previous Yoga classes at Riverton Leisureplex a few years ago.
My fitness level is not very high & I was wondering if this class would be suitable for me.