♥ Cherry lurve! ♥ I've been wanting to write this post for ages and have now missed most of the Summer cherry season - noooo! Thankfully, these little red nutrient filled gems are also available in many local supermarkets in the freezer section if you...
Wellness Tips
Weekly Wellness Wrap-Up!
Kit nails! ♥ Today I'd like to share with you the beauty and wellbeing bits n pieces that have made my week - hopefully you like them, please share your wellness wrap-up too if you like! 1. Got ma nails did for FREE at the Kit event in Enex100. And I swear it's...
Product Review: beGenki Serenity Range.
The whole beGenki Serenity range! When the beGenki Serenity products arrived in the mail, I squeezed my eyes shut and planned, in my near future, a night in the bath with lights dimmed, candles lit and Jack Johnson softly playing in the background. Finding a night off...
Where Can You Buy Chia Seeds in Perth?
♥ ♥ I'm sure you've heard about chia seeds (or the more sexy sounding scientific name Salvia Hispanica) by now! If you haven't, they have been taking the world by storm for the past few years with their incredible nutritional profile, essential fats,...
The Wonders of Rosehips: A Five Way Rosehip Ritual!
Rosehip Buds ♥ Rosehips are good guys, let me persuade you with a few quick facts about these high performing little cuties: ♥ Very high in vitamin C (an excellent antioxidant). ♥ Rose hips contain some vitamin A and B, essential fatty acids and...
Pre-Christmas Wellness Links!
If you're anything like my housemate and I, you've been singing ridiculous Christmas songs about sleighs, Winter wonderlands, hanging out by the fire & snowmen for days now. Unfortunately this translates pretty terribly to our current climate (gonna be 34 today, sunny...