♥ Winter. Arch nemesis of the skin. Ruler of the dry patches. Creator of sensitivity. All round bad guy. Every winter it’s the same thing. I have a shower, cleanse my face and once im out my skin feels tight and sore. I then tone and moisturise only to still...
Product Reviews: Planet Eve Organics!
♥ Just being told that a product is organic is really not enough these days, so when I’m told a product is Certified Organic and Cruelty Free, I tend to stand up and take notice. This is the case with Planet Eve Organics, yummy Australian-owned skincare...
Perth Salon Review: Mind and Body Rebalance at Ella Bache Salon and Spa, West Perth.
Choosing a treatment at a salon or spa, is like trying to choose what flavour you want at the icecream shop. They all look so yummy, and you know they'll all make you happy (albeit tinged with possible slight regret in the case of icecream!), so you mentally 'taste'...
Meditation Review: Dharmapala Buddhist Centre Meditation Course.
♥ In my elusive search for finding & making ‘me’ time, in order to reflect and just ‘be’ in a self inflicted hectic schedule of work, exercise, socialising & living life in general, I recently attended a 1 day ‘Learn to Meditate’ workshop at the Dharmapala...
Restaurant Review: Genesis in the Hills, Roleystone.
♥ When was the last time you really fell in love, disappointment free? I fall in love over and over again when my will leads me towards the scenic hills landscape of Roleystone. Where to? Genesis in the Hills; where the division between food and love is...
Two Words Women Don’t Want to Hear! (Or, Hairdresser Review: Maurie Meade, Subiaco.)
♥ I’m pregnant!! Don’t get me wrong - we love hearing them from friends, then it’s all shrieks, hugs, and tears. But there’s one person we simply do not want to hear it from, and I’m pretty sure I can speak for the whole sisterhood here…your hairdresser. Years...