SWIM! WEAR! HELL! YEAH! Alright, it’s that time of year to get your gear off and get into a swimsuit. There is nothing quite like a summer in Australia and it is by far my favourite time of year. I’m the kind of girl that prides herself on her swimwear collection and...
Weekly Wellness Wishes!
♥ Hiya! Okay, we're going to change the format of this a tiny bit! First up will be all the posts from the previous week, then after that will be all the wonderful little snippets I've come across, that way if you've missed out on something you can check it out...
Product Review: Rodial Anti-Aging Snake Venom Range!
Care for some venom? If you asked me to make a list of things I would never consider putting on my face, snake venom would feature in the top ten. Probably top five. I have no interest in doing such a thing even if you told me it was going to instantly lift my face...
Eyebrow Waxing Vows.
I, Annette, take you, Potential Beauty Therapist, to be my expert waxer, my vigilant tweezer, my faithful non-burning friend and my go-to girl for beautiful, pain free eyebrows from this day forward. In the presence of the God of waxing, this treatment room and the...
Event Review: Cruelty Free Festival, Subiaco.
This glorious sunny Saturday just past marked the first of hopefully many Cruelty Free Festivals' held at the Earthwise centre in Subiaco. As you can see from the photo above, vegan cakes & sweets were out in full force, as were helpful advocates giving out...
Healthy Living Blogs!
♥ Healthy Living Blogs is a new resource for the health blogging community. HLB is a site designed to enhance the positive community of the healthy living blog world. Bloggers and readers can explore the site and find more blogs to love, bloggers in their area,...