♥ Women spend thousands of dollars every year on beauty products, therapies and treatments to look good and feel younger, but forget about the importance of greens, which can have amazing beauty benefits. Green smoothies are full of nutrients which when...
Product Review: Kit Cosmetics Coconut Body Lotion AND Beyond Coconut Water – Double Coco-Combo!
♥ I'm absolutely going nutty over these new products that I've just trialed! I have been a long-time convert of the benefits of coconut water (a HUGE fad with the celebs these days) and now I can share with you these two new obsessions of mine. The task? To...
Heart Foundation Go Red for Women Quiz Night, Saturday 7 May 2011.
♥ This is a such a worthy cause, and looks like a super duper fun quiz night! 100% of proceeds go to the Heart Foundation. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women. Look around at the women in your life – 90% of them have at least one risk factor for heart...
Echolife Competition Winners!
♥ *drummmmmm roll* We are happy to announce our three very lucky Echolife Organic Rosehip & Jojoba Oil competition! We had 51 entries, all well deserving... so here are our three lucky winners! (We draw our winners using Random.org) Lisa - Rosehip, because I...
Kit Cosmetics is giving you a FREE cleanser this Thursday 21 April!
♥ ♥ Something amazing is happening. This Thursday the 21st of April you are going to receive a free Origins cleanser, just by taking your current cleanser or skincare product bottle, be it full, half used or empty, down to your nearest Kit Cosmetics...
Wellness WA is AGAINST Animal Testing.
♥ ♥ ♥ Yesterday while out shopping, I stumbled across the Guide to Ethical Supermarket Shopping 2011, a compact little resource to take with you to the shops so you can make the best decisions about where your 'dollar vote' goes. Like to shop...