
Amazing Face Giveaway Winners!

♥ ♥ ♥ Hear ye, hear ye... the winners from our wonderful Amazing Face competition have been announced and the lucky ladies who are going to be swanning around town with the most amazing of faces are.... ♥ Louise Sandow! ♥ Kathy Laws!...

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Weekly Wellness Links: Late Edition!

♥ Hi guys! Here is a bumper bunch of links to hopefully inspire and delight you, it's been a while since we've done the wellness links, some exciting projects and plans have been taking up a bit of time - but never fear! The links are back. Hope you love them...

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Birthday Wellness Weekend: In Which I Turn 27!

27! Flowers c/o my lovely boyfriend and the wrapped gift on the left is actually from Kikki K and called "Be Happy: 170 Ways to Transform Your Day"! Alright so there is a photo of me on my birthday, I don't post heaps of them up here because I am a bit shy about doing...

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