♥ The start of the REAL autumn-y weather has put a spring in my step. I don't know what it is, but my whole outlook changes when the cooler weather starts setting in. I feel happier, more content and like there are endless possibilities to be explored. It's a...
Health Food Focus: Coconut Sugar!
♥ My once loved white sugar substitute agave has been receiving quite a bit of negative press recently (mostly because of its 90% fructose level). Confused and left doubting agaves’ previously praised heath benefits, I embarked on a mission to find a healthier...
The Wonders of Pomegranates: A Three Way Pomegranate Wellbeing Ritual!
If the pomegranate was a woman she would be beautiful, mysterious, extremely healthy and a whole lotta people would ask her to repeat the spelling of her name! So when I was asked to explore the qualities of the elusive Pomegranate, I was puzzled and intrigued as to...
Wellness Recipe: A Simple, Energising Morning Smoothie!
♥ Bonjour! I've recently become the happy owner of an iPhone, so you will be seeing a lot more piccies on Wellness WA which should make things much more colourful and visual. I hope you enjoy 🙂 I've had this smoothie the last two mornings and it's definitely...
Healthy Recipe: Quinoa and Millet Sushi.
I love eating sushi! But sometimes I crave something more nutritious and wholesome than polished white rice. Let's jazz it up! So when I saw this recipe from Janella Purcell on Good Chef, Bad Chef recently, I knew I would be making it oh-so very soon. You see, instead...
How to Make… Delicious, Healthy, Vegan Blueberry Sorbet!
When I saw this recipe for strawberry sorbet on The Hungry Australian, I was amazed. Ingredients? Only four. And three out of four of them are foods we normally have in the house. Three out of four of them are fruits. YES! Fruits! So you’re probably guessing that the...