♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! In a nutshell? I am extremely passionate about holistic health and living well. I am also a huge foodie and have a passion for healthy cooking and baking. I am currently studying for my Master of...
Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Makeup for Porcelain Skins, Kale Chips, Noni Juice & More!!
♥ The start of the REAL autumn-y weather has put a spring in my step. I don't know what it is, but my whole outlook changes when the cooler weather starts setting in. I feel happier, more content and like there are endless possibilities to be explored. It's a...
Health Food Focus: Coconut Sugar!
♥ My once loved white sugar substitute agave has been receiving quite a bit of negative press recently (mostly because of its 90% fructose level). Confused and left doubting agaves’ previously praised heath benefits, I embarked on a mission to find a healthier...
The Wonders of Pomegranates: A Three Way Pomegranate Ritual!
♥ If the pomegranate was a woman she would be beautiful, mysterious, extremely healthy and a whole lotta people would ask her to repeat the spelling of her name! So when I was asked to explore the qualities of the elusive Pomegranate I was puzzled and intrigued...
Wellness Recipe: A Simple, Energising Morning Smoothie!
♥ Bonjour! I've recently become the happy owner of an iPhone, so you will be seeing a lot more piccies on Wellness WA which should make things much more colourful and visual. I hope you enjoy 🙂 I've had this smoothie the last two mornings and it's definitely...
Wellness Recipe: Quinoa and Millet Sushi.
♥ I love eating sushi! But sometimes I crave something more nutritious and wholesome than polished white rice. Let's jazz it up! So when I saw this recipe from Janella Purcell on Good Chef, Bad Chef recently, I knew I would be making it oh-so very soon. You...