♥ !!! ♥ VEGAN WAFFLE PARTY - Three words, all excellent by themselves, together at last in delicious, cruelty-free, fun loving unison! Add to this that the waffles at this particular party are FREE and you've got yourself a sure fire winner of an idea...
Alternative Review: Friday Night Stand Up @ Lazy Susans Comedy Den, The Brisbane, Highgate.
♥ Laughing is good for your health. There is a veritable roll call of measurable benefits to be gained from having a giggle, such as... ♥ Reduction of stress hormones, increase in feel-good hormones like endorphins ♥ Physical & emotional release...
♥ Wow wow wow. As promised, here is my discussion/dissection of the uh-maze-ink goodie bag that we received @ the PRIMPED/Zoe Foster/David Jones Lookbook event and as you can see, the bags cup runneth over! This baby literally felt like I was carrying a bag of...
Zoe Foster vs. Perth: “Surprise and Delight”.
♥ Zoe ♥ Last night, as previously mentioned myself and another Wellness WA-er were lucky enough to be two of a handful of girls to be spoilt by the company, knowledge and devastating good looks of one Ms. Zoe Foster of Primped fame, she is kind of my...