A slightly more relaxing portrayal of Omnilux. I've been intrigued with Omnilux for quite a while now, but nothing quite cemented the interest like hero dream-bebe Zoe Foster and her unforgettable words at the PRIMPED look book event last year: “You can drink 48...
Day Spa
Spa Review: Yummy Mummy Pregnancy Day Spa, Leederville – Perth.
♥ Yummy Mummy Pregnancy Day Spa ♥ I have an admission – I had never been to a Day Spa before. Considering the fact I’m entering my 27th year on this planet and I have friends who are experts on this matter, this is quite a feat! So not only was this...
Breaking News: Endota Spas Coming to Perth in 2011!
♥ ♥ ♥ Woah woah woah! I literally just let out a "YES!" and clapped my hands with glee! You see, I've heard so much about these little pockets of bliss that are available to my Sydney, Melbourne & even Adelaide mates...tiny spa wonderlands where...
Day Spa Review: Sodashi Chakra Balancing Treatment, Bodhi J.
Photo of Chakra Balancing Treatment by Sodashi As soon as I read about the 90 Minute Sodashi Chakra Balancing Treatment on the Bodhi J website, I knew we had to be together. "Deeply meditative, this experience aims to bring the chakras into alignment through a fluid...
Beauty Salon Review: Refresh Facial at Skatt, Mount Hawthorn.
When Skatt first opened a couple of years ago, I am sure I’m not alone when I say that I thought it was a bit of a gimmick. The bright pink, imposing building on a seemingly quiet, conservative Mount Hawthorn street screamed “different”. However, I put my opinion on...
Event: Sodashi Night at Bodhi J Day Spa, Wembley.
Megan Larsen, Sodashi Founder The lovely people from Sodashi invited me along to their day spa meet and greet event at Bodhi J with Megan Larsen (founder) two weeks ago and I want to do a little re-cap because it was a gorgeous night! Tickets to the event were $50,...