♥ ♥ Joshi's Holistic Detox "If someone doesn't comment within two weeks on how great you're looking - then you're cheating." - Dr Joshi. I picked this up randomly when a lovely little bookstore near me was having a 50% off closing down sale. Never one to...
Alternative Therapy
Multi-tasking Magical Products!
♥ ♥ There's a lotta love to be had for products that have more than one use, not only do you save money and time, but you also save on precious bathroom bench space, something which is worth an increasing amount these days! Here are my three current...
Perth Day Spa Review: Sound Healing Experience @ Bodhi J Health and Beauty Spa, Wembley, Perth.
When was the last time you experienced something truly unique? Something beautiful, unexpected and rare? For me that was a couple of weeks ago when I was privy to a sound healing session with Julian Silburn at Bodhi J Day Spa. Julian has an extensive background in...
Made with Love: Home Made Smelly Things to Make You Feel Good – Part 3.
♥ ♥ “Relax, it’s Soy Wax!” Lavender and Geranium Aromatherapy Candle Lavender & Geranium I admit I cheated here and bought a kit. Lavender, as we know, kicks butt at making us chill out. Geranium is a floral scent which sooths tension, uplifts moods and...
Made with Love: Home Made Smelly Things to Make You Feel Good – Part 2.
♥ ♥ Citrus Buzz Beeswax Lip Balm Grapefruit, orange & mandarin This one is for those who can’t leave the house without a stick of Burt’s Bees, the citrus is lip-smackingly yummy and refreshing. You will need: ♥ Orange essential oil ♥...
Made with Love: Home Made Smelly Things to Make You Feel Good – Part 1.
♥ ♥ I’ve always been intrigued by the senses we have, and losing even one would be life changing. No tasting mum’s cooking, no watching your favourite trash TV, no cuddling with your dog and feeling how soft his ears are, no listening to your girlfriends...