♥ Women spend thousands of dollars every year on beauty products, therapies and treatments to look good and feel younger, but forget about the importance of greens, which can have amazing beauty benefits. Green smoothies are full of nutrients which when...
Alternative Therapy
Perth Salon Review: Mind and Body Rebalance at Ella Bache Salon and Spa, West Perth.
Choosing a treatment at a salon or spa, is like trying to choose what flavour you want at the icecream shop. They all look so yummy, and you know they'll all make you happy (albeit tinged with possible slight regret in the case of icecream!), so you mentally 'taste'...
Meditation Review: Dharmapala Buddhist Centre Meditation Course.
♥ In my elusive search for finding & making ‘me’ time, in order to reflect and just ‘be’ in a self inflicted hectic schedule of work, exercise, socialising & living life in general, I recently attended a 1 day ‘Learn to Meditate’ workshop at the Dharmapala...
Spa / Alternative Therapy Review: Detox Box (Infrared Sauna), Skin Deep Medi Spa, Perth.
♥ The Detox Box ♥ When I was offered the chance to try above contraption I was initially hesitant. So you sit in a tiny wooden box, heat coming at you from all angles, with the intention of sweating? My claustrophobia, extreme dislike of heat and...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Francesca Perino, Cosmetic Acupuncturist at mi:skn.
Francesca! ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I've recently returned from living in the UK for 10 yrs, where I trained as an Acupuncturist. About a year ago I fulfilled my dream of opening a dedicated Cosmetic Acupuncture Clinic. Mi:skn...
Day Spa Review: Omnilux and Visia Face Analysis, Skin Deep Medi-Spa, Perth CBD.
A slightly more relaxing portrayal of Omnilux. I've been intrigued with Omnilux for quite a while now, but nothing quite cemented the interest like hero dream-bebe Zoe Foster and her unforgettable words at the PRIMPED look book event last year: “You can drink 48...