Stuart Watkins, photo by Natasja Kremers Photography
♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!
I absolutely love what I get to do each day. Helping people live to their fullest potential is something that brings me so much joy. As well as my line of work I love surfing, the outdoors, travel, photography and live music.
Over the summer I am teaching Akhanda Yoga at various outdoor locations. They are donation based classes so you can pay as little or as much as you like per class. It’s all about getting back to nature and letting your true nature shine.

♥ Tell us about your daily beauty routine.
Hmmm, very simple routine. Beauty starts from the inside so I just make sure I’m eating a nice natural, organic diet. Lots of greens, lots of omega oils and plenty of variety in the diet. As well as that I make sure I’m hydrated, more so for my energy, but it helps to keep the skin stay healthy too. When the inner body is in harmony and the mind is relaxed our natural beauty shines.
♥ What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?
I don’t really get beauty treatments done, but I do get regular ayurvedic massages at K.A.L.M Wellness Centre with Kate Morris.
♥ Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?
Angelina at Guy’s Grooming in the city. In the past, every time I’d get my hair cut it would take about a week or 2 for my hair to look ok. After Angelina cuts my hair I’m happy with it straight away. She gives an amazing head massage too.

♥ Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?
Pranayama or yogic breath work and meditation. Everyone after practicing breath work in yoga and meditation just glows incredibly. The eyes are clearer, the skin glows and this inner peace just shines from the person. Occasionally I’ll do a bit of a face and body scrub using ground up flaxseeds with a bit of water. After washing that off with cool water I massage Navratna Oil into any muscles that feel like they need some love.
♥ Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?
I don’t really use any external products apart from what I just mentioned.
I always make sure I have CHYAWANPRASH at home. It’s an ancient Indian herbal tonic that’s loaded with vitamin C.
I always make sure I have Vitamin C food complex, B food complex, magnesium and Vitamin E from an amazing brand called New Chapter.

Young baby coconuts!
♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
Coconut water every day. Fresh from a young coconut. So healing, energising and hydrating.
♥ What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)
Everything I have been curious about trying I’ve already tried. I’m willing to give anything a go, if it makes sense to me.
♥ Describe a typical day of eating for you.
I eat lots of raw foods throughout the day. I have about 5-6 meals spread throughout the day. Lots of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Lunch is usually my biggest meal. Each day of eating varies depending on how much energy I’m using, so I just listen to my body and give it the natural fuel that it needs.

Stuart Watkins, photo by Natasja Kremers Photography
♥ Describe your fitness routine.
I usually cycle to and from work and if I’m in different locations throughout the day I can end up cycling quite a bit. I love cycling around Perth! I practice yoga for an hour to an hour and half 6 days a week. I also do strength and conditioning twice a week as well as surfing whenever possible and catching up with friends to play different sports.
♥ Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.
Yes, I do regular chakra meditation, and get regular ayurvedic massages. I sometimes get reflexology and flower essence massages too. I take a quite a few supplements. Here they are; Yellow pea protein, cell food, the vitamins I listed above from New Chapter, Chywanprash, spirulina, maca, ashwaganda, triphala, Udo’s Oil and chia seed.
Where can I purchase a Stuart?