♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!
I was a principal show girl and model in Paris which was an amazing experience, but it left me physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted. That’s when I turned to Yoga to help heal my body and keep me fit, but ended up embracing the holistically healthy lifestyle it promotes. Yoga changed my understanding of what I thought it was to be a ‘healthy beautiful’ person.
This kick started my love affair with all things natural and nourishing, and that’s how I came to fall in love with natural & organic beauty and start Flora Organica!
Now I spend my days researching the most amazing non toxic beauty products from around the world to bring to Australia! Soon the store will include wellness products as well as I am so passionate about a holistic approach to beauty so watch this space!!

♥ Tell us about your daily beauty routine.
My daily routine changes a lot depending on the weather, the seasons, hormones. At the moment because the weather is warmer I tend to use lighter products.
In the morning I use Tata Harper Regenerating Cleanser or if I am in a real hurry an Ecocare Apple and Honey Facial Wipe does the trick.
I follow this with Kimberly Sayer’s Anti Oxidant SPF moisturizer. SPF is an absolute MUST if you are concerned with aging and this one doesn’t smell or feel like a typical SPF, which is a huge positive!

At night I like to nourish my skin a little more so I’ll opt for Pai Camellia & Rose Cleanser or Ecocare Coconut Oil followed by Absolution Cleansing Water just to leave my skin feeling fresh.
After cleansing I’ll use Pai Rosehip & Chamomile Cream which is amazing, especially if you have sensitive skin. Natalie Portman is a huge fan.

If I feel like my skin needs a litte more hydration ill go for serum or oil such as Pai Rosehip Oil or Black Chicken Love Your Face Serum, which is an incredible locally made product.
♥ What's the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?
I don’t often get beauty treatments done as I have every product under the sun in my bathroom to pamper myself with! I prefer to have a wonderful massage, chinese cupping, Osteo treatment or a bit of acupuncture because I know if I’m feeling good it will radiant fare more than just getting a facial.

♥ Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?
Coconut oil. It is the ultimate beauty budget all rounder. Cleanser, face and body moisturizer, hair treatment. You can also use it as a wellness treatment such as oil pulling or eating a spoonful a day for it’s amazing health benefits not to mention cooking with it!
Just make sure it is raw and organic like the ecocare one I stock!

♥ Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favorite products?
Only 3?! That’s a bit tough! I guess I would have to say:
1. Soapwalla Deodorant Cream – One of the only natural deodorants that I have come across that works! It is my number 1 best seller.
2. Tata Harper Regenerating Cleanser – a bit on the pricey side but totally worth it! I have combination skin so it needs regular light exfoliation but I find most are too harsh for my skin. This product strikes the perfect balance.
3. Ecocare Raw Organic Coconut Oil. It’s good for everything!

♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
I know it sounds cliché but beauty really is more than skin deep. Regular Yoga, meditation, a healthy diet, and daily journaling and affirmations really help me to feel my absolute best. When I feel great I seem to attract great things into my life.

♥ What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet?
I just bought a voucher to try salt therapy which I am really excited about!
Salt therapy involves breathing in microscopic salt particles which has a positive effect on respiratory and skin aliments. The dry sodium chloride aerosol in the Salt Room eliminates airborne particles from the airways and helps the body purge itself of toxins. Salt Therapy is a safe natural therapy and has no side effects.
Check out Salt Rooms for more details (not currently available in WA, but there are options to open a biz if anyone is keen!)

♥ Describe a typical day of eating for you.
I usually have a smoothie in the morning made of coconut water, coconut oil, LSA, Glow Beauty Powder, Chocolate Sun Warrior raw vegan protein powder and maybe some frozen banana or mixed greens like kale and spinach.
I mainly snack on fruit and nuts during the day.
Lunch with be sushi or a salad and dinner generally tends to be steamed vegetables sometimes with a protein such as broiled chicken.
I tend to keep things really simple.

♥ Describe your fitness routine.
I do Vinyasa & Yin Yoga about 3-4 times a week and run on alternate days.

♥ Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.
My favorite supplements are Garden of Life RAW from the US because they are formulated from raw, live organically grown fruits and vegetables rich with probiotics, enzymes and products of their fermentation. I take their Raw Kombucha Probiotic for good gut health, and Oceans 3 fish oil & Resveratrol for healthy hair and skin.
They are starting to pop up at some good quality health food stores in Australia. Otherwise you can order them on iherb.com

♥ How many hours sleep do you usually get each night? Do you have any bedtime rituals or tips to help you get a great nights sleep?
I try and get 8 hours a night. I will light a candle, have a cup tea and read a book as it sets my sleeping ritual otherwise I can be up all night. If I am having trouble sleeping I will put a touch of Tata Harper Aromatic Nighttime Treatment on my chakra points, it really helps!

♥ How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?
Simple things really help. Lighting a candle in my room really soothes me. Reading inspiring or wellness books such as The Power of Now
. Talking with my mother as she always knows what to say! I’ll also use Tata Harpers Aromatic Stress Treatment as it just smells so uplifting.
Yin Yoga is also amazing for de stressing. If you have never tried Yin it is an absolute must as it helps to release tension and emotions that we often keep locked up in our body without even realising it.
If you have any questions or comments on Sabrina's gorgeous routine, please leave them below!
Be well,
LOVE this! I want to buy/try everything Sabrina recommends!!
I second that. I almost want to print this out!