Hans Bruechle, pic from Perth Now
♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!
I’m a 24 year old, youngest child of 8 who loves Guitar Hero and enjoys turning up to costume parties dressed inappropriately. I also draw and paint a lot and I’m starting up my own clothing label, I love to cook, and I do plenty of exercise in between epic Xbox sessions.

Painting by Hans
♥ Tell us about your daily beauty routine.
The secret to a classic, timeless beauty is your wake-up time. If you’re waking up before the crack of 10:30 then you’re not doing your face any favours. After that it’s a regulation shower (with shower gel not soap), shave, moisturize with Palmer’s Cocoa Butter, do the hair, brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste and then maybe a nap cos you’ve just worked so hard on looking like you’ve just woken up.
♥ What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?
As a guy I don’t really indulge in “beauty treatments” mostly because I feel uncomfortable and out-of-place in beauty salons. I feel like I should be talking with the other Mums about how school fees have just gone up again or whether Katy Perry really has had a boob job. But I do enjoy a haircut at Obsession in Gwelup pretty frequently. They’re all really nice people with good senses of humour and the artwork on the walls was done by me.
♥ Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?
Again it’s Obsession in Gwelup. And I don’t know if “trust” is the right word because that implies that my hair is some sort of precious gift that must be handled with care and respect. Like virginity. I go to Obsession because they do really good haircuts and I like all the people who work there. It’s not even close to my house!

♥ Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?
I feel like I’m letting these questions down because, as a guy, my beauty regime focuses on 80% hair, 15% teeth and shaving, and 5% miscellaneous. But I am a fan of Palmers Cocoa Butter. Especially now cos as it heats up I’m at the beach all the time. Also sunscreen.
♥ Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?
In all of life it’d have to be my limited edition Hannah Montana box set but in the self-beautification world it’s:
1. Redken “Rough Clay” hair product
2. Palmers Cocoa Butter moisturiser
3. Gillette Mach 3 shavers (although they are more expensive than buying a child from another country).
♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
A lot of exercise and good food. And some sun! Not too much and don’t get burnt but just get out there and be active. I try and go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and on the off days I swim – either in a pool at Melville Aquatic or in the ocean. Apart from that I do a bit of running, surfing, cycling, and kicking the footy around with mates.
As for food, don’t be a nazi about it (I can’t stand people who count calories and ration out portions of salad like it’s a horrifying school camp). But at the same time don’t go nuts on the fast food either. Eat fresh food that you cook yourself but still enjoy that quarter pounder at 4 in the morning when you’re tanked.

Hans getting his chest waxed. (Note: May actually be Steve Carell)
♥ What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)
I’ve never had a manicure/pedicure. I don’t really want one but it was only thing I could think of that didn’t immediately freak me out. Come to think of it, I don’t think I could handle someone touching my feet like that. I actually got my chest waxed last week for a TV show and that definitely sucked. Think 40 Year Old Virgin but with me complaining like a little girl.
♥ Describe a typical day of eating for you.
Fruit salad with yoghurt for breakfast (if I even wake up in time for breakfast…seriously), then normally some pasta or a big roll for lunch. I am actually a fan of Subway for lunch. And then for dinner I’ll cook something. Could be anything but I prefer pasta and rice dishes that fill me up and then I’ll have leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.
♥ Describe your fitness routine.
It’s fairly standard – I go to the gym during the middle of the day for about an hour (it is one of the benefits of not having a “proper” job) and do weights, but not a lot of cardio. Then in the evenings I’ll usually go for a run near my house and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get up at 5 and swim a couple of k’s at Melville Aquatic Centre.

♥ Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.
I’m not a big fan of alternative therapies – if you can’t fix it with a Panadol, it probably can’t be fixed – kind of attitude which I know is a bit dumb. And the only supplement I take is protein powder after I come back from the gym. I’m not fully into the whole world of protein and weight-gain supplements but I do use it. And that’s it. No multivitamins, or fish oil or rhinoceros testicle. That’s a thing, right?
Be well,
You can’t go making wild claims of inappropriate costumes with a severe lack of evidence.
Just saying.