Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Elizabeth Rose, Personal Trainer, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, Blogger at Life With Elizabeth Rose.

by | Oct 22, 2012 | Interviews, Wellness Tips | 2 comments

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hi there! I’m a personal trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach, actress/model and a blogger – all of which keeps me very busy and active! I only moved back home to Perth in April after living away for 13 years mostly in Sydney, Melbourne, South-East Asia and New York. It’s a refreshing change of speed being back in Perth and I absolutely love the climate and lifestyle here ☺

My blog, Life with Elizabeth Rose, is very much from my heart and covers lots of lifestyle topics to do with health & fitness, business and personal development. The tagline on my blog is “Dream. Create. Live with joy” – I’m always dreaming big, creating things & trying my hardest to live my life with happiness…my goal is to guide my readers and clients in doing the same with their lives, with a strong focus on health and well-being!

You can find me at Fitness First Platinum in Subiaco for personal and small group training. I’m about to run a boot camp at Cottesloe Beach beginning November 5th. I’m really looking forward to it and can’t think of a better way to start the day!

As an introductory offer, mention this interview and receive 10% off your first 4 weeks of training ☺. Register your interest at

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I cleanse morning and night with Sukin Organics Cream Cleanser. I have very sensitive skin and find a cream cleanser to be the best! I haven’t used a toner for a few years now, and find my skin is fine without it!

I moisturize with Priori CoffeeBerry Natureceuticals Day and Night Complex which are both 98.5% natural. CoffeeBerry extract is nature’s most potent antioxidants to fight free radicals and the causes of skin aging, and it smells divine! If my skin is feeling particularly dry, I’ll add some Trilogy Rosehip Oil at night over my moisturizer.

For my eyes I use Aesop Parsely Cream Antioxidant Eye Cream…I’ve always used creams as opposed to serums for my eye area…I find my concealer goes on much easier too!

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

The Deluxe Skin Renewal Spa Treatment by Suzey Luong at Vanity Box! This is a superior boosting treatment incorporating a facial massage with a soothing balm and a replenishing mask that firms, hydrates and exfoliates your skin. It’s such a relaxing treatment and is like a natural botox! My skin hasn’t looked this flawless in years!

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I go all the way up to Yanchep which is exactly an hour away from my place, so I can see the lovely Rachel Firmin who is from the UK. My Mum and Aunty see her as well, so it’s always a bit of a family affair! I love seeing Rachel as she always keeps up to date with the latest styles from London and she is so sweet and friendly and offers endless cups of tea.

Because she works from her home, having a cut and full head of foils costs me roughly half the price of going to a salon! You can contact Rachel on 0415049311.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I’ve recently become an avid follower of Maria Hannaford’s blog, Econest, which is all about living life more sustainably! I love this easy and economical beauty treatment that Maria suggests…simply mash ½ an avo with a dash of milk and apply to a wet face – perfect as a skin conditioner and so simple!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

1. Coconut oil – this medium chain fatty acid has so many amazing health benefits! I cook with it and sometimes use it as a face and body moisturizer, hair conditioner and shave my legs with it! You can even use coconut oil as a base of a natural deodorant.

2. Priori CoffeeBerry Mineral Perfecting Foundation 3 – It has the best coverage and loving the fact the packaging is eco-conscious.

3. INIKA – all natural certified organic mineral blush in rosy glow…I love all their products!

♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

I have a few!

1. Daily exercise is a must! I feel so much better after moving my body, even if it’s just a leisurely stroll outside in the fresh air.
2. Sleep! I aim for 7-8 hours but have been struggling with this lately! I’m terrible at falling asleep before 10pm but know I need to as I wake up so early! When I do get adequate sleep, the difference in my energy, mood and creativity is huge.
3. Nutritious, organic food and plenty of water! You are what you eat!
4. Taking time out for myself. I always feel so revitalized after a bit of “me time”.
5. Keeping a gratitude journal always makes me feel great! Every Tuesday I write my ‘LWER Tuesday’s Blessings’ with 5-10 things I’m grateful for on my Facebook page. I love it when people comment with their own gratitude list ☺

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet?

I’d luurve to do some kind of retreat in Ubud, Bali. I hear it’s amazing at Como Shambala, which advocates proactive holistic wellness, combining modern science with ancient healing.

I’d also love to do an Ayurvedic retreat at Deepak Chopra’s ‘Chopra Center’ in California.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I eat very closely to the Paleo Diet (and recommend this to most of my clients), which is a diet that closely resembles what our ancestors ate in the Paleolithic era. It’s basically very high in protein and good fats, with lots of low starch veggies, salads, nuts & seeds and fruits such as berries.

My day always starts with a tall glass of water with lemon juice, some powdered greens in water and a probiotic. I shower then for breaky I will always have some protein such as 2 eggs with smoked salmon and wilted spinach (no toast!).

Morning tea is usually a ‘mini meal’ which is basically a bit of what I prepared for lunch (I always make a little bit more so I have enough for a snack and lunch!), or my own trail mix of activated almonds, coconut flakes and goji berries.

Lunch is protein of some sort with either a salad or steamed greens. Kale is my favourite at the moment! So good for you!

Afternoon tea is usually one of my superfood protein smoothies from my Super Smoothie Collection, that I have post workout or a green juice.

Dinner is either oven baked salmon with veggies or chicken and salad.

And finally for supper I have herbal tea and blueberries with 2 tablespoons of organic full-cream greek yoghurt or occasionally 30g of dark organic chocolate such as Loving Earth’s ‘luvju’ coconut mylk raw organic chocolate…yum!

I get emails all the time from women wanting guidance on what to eat. I know it can be confusing and frustrating trying to decide what to cook and which foods to buy, so I recently put together two 7 day meal plans to help shape your bod for summer! They are available for sale on my blog: click here! For the next 48 hours I’m running a special price of $17 (down from $27) for Wellness WA readers if you use the code “LWER” when you purchase!

Describe your fitness routine.

I train with weights 3 times a week, practice yoga twice a week, and do interval training (HIIT) 2-3 times a week, plus I’m about to give pole dancing a go for a bit of fun! I like variety and my body does too ☺

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I have an entire drawer in my kitchen that is filled with supplements! At the moment, I mostly take fish oil capsules, Vital Greens, a pre & probiotic, mega B and magnesium.

I’m a bit of a fan of alternative therapies, and have experimented with many in my pursuit of tip top health! I’ve been to naturopaths, homeopaths, Ayuvedic practioners and I’ve tried kinesiology and colonics, to name a few! I’m currently seeing a GP who specializes in nutritional medicine at Health Quest in Melville, and just had my first hair mineral analysis…I’m very interested in finding out the results!

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

Oooh how I love relaxing! My fav ways include practicing yoga at Tamara Yoga, meditating, getting a massage/facial, or simply enjoying some quiet time at home watching a dvd.

If you have any questions about Elizabeth’s fantastic routine, please leave a comment below!

Make sure you check out her blog too!

Be well,


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  1. jo

    thanks for this post, very inspiring 🙂

  2. miss marian

    awesome to see someone featured who follows a paleo/primal way of eating; an inspiration.

Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

Hey there, I'm Annette!

 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

I search high & low to find the best local wellness-y gems so you know where to go to get a deluxe massage, the most zen inspiring yoga class, the best acai bowl in town… and so much more.

Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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