Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Dr Joe Kosterich, Medical Doctor, Author, Journalist & Tv Presenter.

by | Mar 25, 2011 | Interviews

Dr Joe Kosterich

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I am a father, doctor, author, speaker and media commentator and TV presenter. I have a regular spot on 6PR Tuesday mornings after 10am news and publish a weekly newsletter from In early April I’m doing a series of stories for Today Tonight.

JK Secret Triple Action Booster – RRP $69

Tell us about your daily beauty / wellness routine.

I get 8 hours sleep each night and will catch up on any deficit on the weekend. I eat mainly non processed food, but do not make this a religion. I use the JK Secret Cosmeceutics Triple Action Booster at night. Make sure that I laugh each day. Meditate a few days a week – aiming for everyday. Regular exercise.

What’s the one beauty / wellness treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

I do like a good back massage at Subiaco Sports Massage Clinic.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Davilia at Floreat Forum. As a bloke I do value convenience. They are close to home, do a good job, you rarely have to wait long and it is not a rip off.

Favourite budget or at home beauty / wellness treatment?

Sounds lateral, but meditation helps de-stress so helps wellness and is free. I am not a purist of any one “school” I like the downloaded mediations from Deepak Chopra because they are easy. Davidji who is the head of mediation at Chopra reckons people make it too hard, and the key is slowing the mind with slow breathing. Using a mantra like “so… hum…” helps. The most important thing is to just do it and not get caught up in doing it “right”.

Your four, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

1. Brooks running shoes
2. Downloaded meditations from Chopra.comEd’s note: I checked these out and they are fantastic!
3. Angry Almond at Subi Markets who sell raw nuts dried fruits and seeds (I make up my own little mix)
4. My home water filter.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Another lateral one, but enjoying what you do is vital. You feel and look better when you are happy and content!

What beauty treatment / wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

Would like to do one of those one week retreats with massage meditation and juices no phone etc. Finding a whole week is the barrier.


Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Breakfast is two eggs scrambled and a piece of rye toast. Lunch varies. Typically some protein (meat or fish) with salad either by itself or in a roll and some fruit.

Mid afternoon some nuts and seeds and a little dried fruit (mixed up in a glad bag). Dinner varies eg Fish/chicken with veg and potatoes, or a curry with rice or pasta. Use olive oil. Minimise food with “numbers”. A few days a week I will have a small sweet treat and a glass of wine some nights. About 2.5 -3L water through the day.

Describe your fitness routine.

Two days running 6-8 km in 35-45 mins. I have 3 circuits, one is along the coast at City Beach in a loop from home, one is in Bold Park along the Zamia trail and the third is from City Beach down to Floreat Forum and back also in a loop. Two days weights in the gym with a trainer and some stretching.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I take a fish oil as I don’t always get 2.7 serves of fish each week. I take Juice Plus which is a fruit and veg concentrate (again getting the right amount 365 days a year is not always possible) and an antioxidant.

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

Meditation (10 -15 mins) helps. I love to run (or walk) along the beach. The ocean is very calming. Playing with my kids and laughing at stuff (cartoons, comedies) – you cant stress when you laugh.

You can find Dr Joe on Facebook & Twitter.

Any questions & comments please leave them below!

Be well,


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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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