Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Camilla Peffer, Wellness WA Contributor & Curator @ Cunning Copy.

by | May 17, 2012 | Interviews, Wellness Tips | 5 comments

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

Bonjeezy! I’m a 20-something Sydney girl, but I’m currently kicking it in Fremantle. By day I’m a freelance writer/marketing maestro/blogger/student, and by night I am still those things but a very lazy one.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I have quite sensitive, acne-prone skin which flares up when I stress out/wear too much makeup/on days ending in ‘y’, so I only use Corynne’s Natural Soap bars to cleanse my skin. They’re nice and gentle, and they lather up really, really well. And they’re only like $3.50. Score! I usually follow up with a magical potion called Witch Hazel, followed by Corynne’s Light and Refreshing Moisturiser. You can buy them online and at Fremantle Markets.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Head Studio on King Street in Perth. The girls there are absolute prodigies and are also very good looking. It’s a bit of toughie to find a hairdresser who knows how to do balayage properly, they usually just apply a few foils and you walk out stripey. Not a cool look. Not only do the girls at Head Studio actually know how to do balayage, but they’re super personable, professional, hardcore stylish, and are also good conversationalists. The studio is also tres chic and it’s very cool that you can watch movies up the back when they’re washing your hair. Did I mention they give you free tea?

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I have to say I’m a big fan of DIY treatments. I like to steam my face by boiling some water and sitting over a gigantic bowl with a towel over my head for a few minutes to open up my pores. I then apply Corynne’s Glorious Mud Mask for sensitive skin and like to scare my flat mates by hiding behind doors. It’s the most amazing mud mask I’ve ever used, and it’s only like $12 and lasts for months and months.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Nude Mineral Foundation FTW. I will sing to high heaven the praises of this little powdery gem. My skin is so oily I’ve had calls from American Presidents, so I try to avoid liquid based foundations. Nude products definitely helped me appear a little less like a hormonal teenager. I’m still having a battle with my skin, but Mineral Foundation is a lot more gentle.

I also love a really bold lippie, and wear either bright pinks or reds on any given day. Revlon does a few wham-bam shades which I alternate between, like Love That Pink, Blasé Apricot, Revlon Red and Hot Coral.

Finally, a good blush is a must! Makes you look all sprightly. My favourite is Lotus by Clinique. It’s the perfect shade of pink and makes me feel all girly and youthful. Available from StrawberryNET.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

If I’m feeling a bit crap-tastic I hit the gym and sweat out all that bad energy. I feel zippa-dee-do-da afterwards and can’t recommend a good cardio session enough. I also got into meditation last year. It’s super hard at first to quiet your mind and I definitely had a few foot stamping moments, but it’s proven to be highly beneficial for my stress levels. I recommend listen to The Mediation Podcast or Meditation Oasis for some guided meditations to start with.

♥ Gabrielle Bernstein

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

There are a million things I’m yet to try but as I’m a student I can’t exactly prioritise a week long Yoga trip to Ubud, nor can I really say Acupuncture is affordable for myself. I’d have to say that on the top of my list would be attending any event hosted by Gabrielle Bernstein, particularly her upcoming workshop in Kripalu. She’s a motivational speaker and if it weren’t biologically impossible I’d have all of her babies.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Friends and family would describe my eating as borderline fanatical when it comes to health foods. And it’s true – I spend a lot of money of healthy food. But I figure, I’ve only got one body so I don’t want to stick crap in it. I’ve been vegan for 5 years now which occasionally freaks people out, but I’ve honestly never felt as healthy as I do now. I always make sure I take my multi-vitamins and get enough iron and b12. Unfortunately, I’m gluten-intolerant which is super sucky! However, lots of places now sell gluten-free products so I’m finding grocery shopping a little less of a marathon.

I like to start the day with an Acai smoothie because it’s got so many vitamins and minerals in it, I feel like wonder woman afterwards and basically destroy my to-do list with laser beams of productivity. I used to be a maniacal caffeine addict, but I’ve cut back and will only have one a few hours after I’ve eaten. Lunch is usually a mega salad of some sort, full of beans, root vegetables, leafy greens, button mushrooms, tomatoes and a deliciously creamy Tahini dressing.

At the moment I’m on a Moroccan kick, so my dinners are full of lots of tomatoes, beans, eggplant, oranges and lots of spices.

Describe your fitness routine.

My exercise routine used to be a whole lot more consistent than what it is now, but being a major multi-tasking vixen that I am, I kind of have to prioritise work, study and relationships nowadays. I really envy myself two years ago when I had the time to go to the gym every day, but at the moment I only find time for two gym sessions a week. I do cycle to and from work a few days a week though, and because I don’t drive I do a lot of walking. I also had an injury last year which has limited my exercise quite significantly, so I stick to low impact exercise such as rowing, cycling, walking and swimming.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I see a naturopath quite often for a few digestive issues I’ve been having. I know there’s a lot of skepticism surrounding naturopathy, but I can only speak from personal experience when I say that NatMed in East Fremantle has made my body sing a happy tune for the past few months. I don’t of course recommend seeing them for everything little ailment you have. I treat naturopathy as a form of complimentary medicine, because it is quite expensive and can’t cure everything.

I also take spirulina when feeling low on energy, and always have my daily dose of Floradix with my breakfast.

♥ Black Cherries Espresso

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

I’m a huge fan of dilly-dallying. If I can sleep in I will, and I love the days when I can take my time to pop into Fremantle markets, grab a coffee from Black Cherries Espresso, read a magazine and people watch. I also find that burning some sweet smelling incense does a frazzled lass a world of good.

Thanks Camilla! If you have any questions about Camilla’s wellbeing routine, comment below!

Be well,


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  1. Jo

    Great write up, informative and funny! Can I just ask though, is the Clinique blush you love called Iced Lotus by any chance? Looks lovely but just need to make sure I am looking at the iright one! xx

  2. Karen

    Really enjoyed reading this. I need to make it down to Freo more often!

  3. Sandhya

    I love your honest energy and zest! Great read and so down to earth!!

  4. Camilla Peffer

    Thanks for the kind comments guys!
    Jo – yes! Iced Lotus is my fave!
    Karen – Freo is a great place to be!
    Sandhya – Stop it! You’re making me blush!

  5. Aimee

    Hilarious read! Insightful, refreshing and so helpful.
    I am inspired muchly 🙂


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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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