Lately I’ve been getting into a whole range of new skincare products which have been rocking my world, so this edition of Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes is solely dedicated to all things skin!

♥ @thebeautychef
♥ Carla Oates Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost
I’m a HUGE fan of the concept of ‘internal skincare’, and Carla Oates is all about it too. Her catchphrase “beauty begins in the belly” resonates with me, and is a nod to the exciting new research into the effect of probiotics and gut health on all systems of the body – including the quality of our skin.
Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost tastes fantastic and is PACKED full of probiotics, antioxidants and other goodies. I’ve just started to include a tablespoon per day in a glass of filtered water. I definitely feel that when I take this beauty elixir I’m helping to give my skin & body what it needs to thrive and can’t wait to see the long term results of taking it daily! As an added bonus it’s really good for your digestion too.

♥ Qsilica Naturally Clear Skin Cleanser
I’ve been using this product for a couple months now and I have to say, this is a really good cleanser! My skin never feels too dry / too oily / stripped afterwards. It just feels soft, dewy and perfectly cleansed. For me, this cleanser doesn’t stop most breakouts, my skin is mostly affected by what I eat and drink – so it wont prevent a breakout if I’ve “accidentally” consumed half a block of Whittakers Coconut Chocolate and 3 ciders, but it does stop any pesky little spots caused by “accidentally” falling asleep in my makeup. And it makes my skin feel amazing regardless, so I will continue to use it while I pray that coconut chocolate becomes a thing of the past so that I’m not regularly tempted by it (probably not going to happen).

♥ Exfoliating Swipeys by Go-to-Skincare
This product. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! I’ve been following skincare saviour and all round quirky gal Zoe Foster Blake since her days penning her first blog, Fruity Beauty. She’s the ultimate “it’s totally okay to be kinda weird but also cool girl”, and for a while now she’s been killing it with her own beauty range, Go-to-Skincare.
There are a number of pretty special products, but the Exfoliating Swipeys are my DEAD SET FAVOURITE!
First, the name. Very good. Next, the results. Also very good. Each swipey, which is a little cotton pad, is full to the brim with Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s) and gently dissolves dead skin cells, unclogs pores, refines skin and generally just makes your skin totally ace. I like to use mine in the shower after cleansing, I get swipey on my face and then do other showery things for a minute while keeping my face away from the water so the AHA’s don’t wash off. After 60 seconds you can rinse away to your hearts content.
The best thing to do afterwards is massage 4 drops of rosehip oil – Kosmea is my current favourite – into your skin, wait 10 minutes and then apply Very Useful Face Cream, which is another Go-to-Skincare prod. My best advice is to do this right before bed, get a long snooze in, and then wake up to incredible, glowy skin that you’ll really want to touch (but you shouldn’t!)
SO! Those are my current recommendations. Like it? Lump it? Leave a comment below and let me know! Xo
Be well,