Beauty and Wellbeing Crushes: Stoved Cooked Porridge, Home Roasted Almonds, New Becca Products.

by | Sep 14, 2011 | Food, Wellness Tips | 3 comments

Hello hello! It’s that time again where I get to share with you my top crushes for the week in the hopes of inspiring you to maybe develop a lil crush all of your own. This week it’s a mixed bag with some yummy, healthy treats, Perth born beauty prods and a bit of a spruik of our latest comp. Let me know if you have any questions, as always I’m happy to chat 😀

Stove Cooked Porridge

My love of porridge is well known (to me), but would you believe that for all these years I’ve been microwaving it? Every morning, into the microwave for a quick, hot and tasty breaky. Last week I decided to do something I’d never done before… cook the porridge on the stove. Now I realise this might sound a bit lame to any domestic kitchen goddess babes, but for me it was a revelation. The porridge turned out so much thicker and creamier and about 2.5 x more delicious! I threw in some frozen blueberries and stirred in some nut butter – dreamy.

Porridge is really good for calming your nerves, beating stress and providing you with sustained energy to take on the day! Porridge lovers put yo hand UP!

Home Roasted Almonds

Here’s another one that makes me feel a bit silly. I only just discovered how flippin good roasted almonds are. After spouting my love to all and sundry, a work colleague of mine suggested I roast my own at home. Mind blown, again. I just don’t think of these things! She recommended popping a tray of almonds w/skins into the oven at 180 degrees, just when cooking something else or on their own if you want.

I roasted my nut babes for about 12 minutes until the skin came out looking split, as in the above picture. It was all I could do to stop myself scoffing the whole tray. I am now totally converted and have been cooking up a small tray each week to take to work as a trail mix with dried cranberries. Super delicioso. Have you tried roasted almonds?

AEOS Crystal Nail File

If you’re tired of those scrappy emery boards and the rough powdery feeling they leave on your nails, you’re going to rejoice at these new crystal nail files from AEOS!

Metal files and emery boards tear the nail as they file, leaving rough, sharp edges. The crystal file glides across the nail tip so you can quickly and easily shape your nail to a flawless, smooth finish. Crystal files seal the nail tip as you file, preventing water, dirt and debris from seeping into the nail tip.

The files will last you a lifetime due to the crystal not being able to harbour any bacteria. I find that pretty amazing! So long as you don’t lose it, you’ll never have to buy another nail file again. I’m a bit of a slacker when it comes to my nails, but I’ve been using this file whenever I spot a jagged edge and it’s been serving me very well indeed.

The AEOS Crystal Nail files are available for $22 from the beGenki online shop, and come in an AMAZING array of beautiful colours that you’ll want to whip out everywhere you go!

Becca Butter Balm SPF 20 – $40

Becca – Halcyon Days

Two of the new Becca products from the Halcyon Days Collection have been making a big impact on me these past few weeks. The Butter Balm (pictured above) immediately transported me to summery, beachy days when I first tried it – I was honestly in the best mood all afternoon after applying!

Perhaps it’s that the balm is brimming with nourishing ingredients such as shea, cocoa, avocado and jojoba butters and vitamin e, or maybe it’s the tahitian vanilla and honey mixed with the subtle scent of “the beach” that makes this product so appealing. The SPF 20 doesn’t hurt either, and guess what? It’s paraben free too!

Beach dreaming – this is the water down at Freo.

At $40 this is a seriously luxe purchase. Upon opening the gorgeous silver container (which also locks so that the lid doesn’t slip off in your bag, genius!) the amount of product looks rather small, however since using it I’ve found that it lasts for ages and ages and you only need a tiny slick to get moist, supple lips. This is the perfect summer purchase, or Christmas gift (yup, it’s nearly here again) for the beach babe who has everything!

I’m historically not a beachy girl, growing up 400+ kilometres inland will do that, but the Butter Balm has me wanting to hit the sand almost daily. Loving it.

Zoe Foster ‘Amazing Face’ Competition

This ones a plug for our latest competition to win one of two copies of ‘Amazing Face’ by Zoe Foster RRP $39.95!

Enter the competition and you could soon be swooning as much as I did whilst exponentially improving your beauty knowledge. Worth it!

Bon appetit my loves. What do you think of my crushes this week? I would love to hear your crushes! Do share x.

Be well,



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  1. Hannah

    Awesome post! I love my porridge, so many great combinations you can have 🙂 At the moment I love blueberries, LSA, banana and molasses. I have nut butter, but have had it in porridge, sounds great! And roast almonds….nom nom nom. I’ll have to make my own! xo

  2. Megan

    I love porridge too, good for braces wearers like me! I’m really liking the look of that Becca Butter Balm. I haven’t bought anything from the brand before but I’d love to get into it.

  3. Annette @ Wellness WA

    It’s so yummy megan! It’s a Perth brand too 🙂 I highly recommend! 😀


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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

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