by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 23, 2013 | Exercise, Inner City, Reviews, Yoga
♥ I recently started a new job in the CBD and boy, life has definitely changed up a gear! I love my job, but lately I’ve found stress getting the better of me, and I’ve been feeling the physical effects of sitting at a desk from 9 to 5. What is a hard working...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 22, 2013 | Interviews
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I am very blessed, I have a beautiful daughter, two magnificent horses, I love what I do and Gwinganna is amazing. I love where I live, I am a very happy person and I genuinely love people, I...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 18, 2013 | Interviews, Wellness Tips
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! Sure! My name is Melissa and I am a holistic health + life coach, speaker, writer and self love teacher. Four years ago I was a model, dancer, presenter and actress but after experiencing severe...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 16, 2013 | Food, Recipes, Wellness Tips
♥ Simple and delicious. Two things I love in the morning, and these pancakes are just that! They take 10 mins to cook up and are sooooo easy to prepare. Make the base mixture and then add whatever toppings and flavour combinations you like. Refined sugar free...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 15, 2013 | Exercise, Yoga
♥ Have you always wanted to try yoga but were too nervous, self conscious or worried you'd be the inflexible, giggling goonie in the back row? Thought that because you can't touch your toes, or sit cross legged, you can't possibly meditate? Or...