by Annette @ Wellness WA | Feb 20, 2010 | Hairdresser, Inner City, North of River, Reviews
♥ I’m terribly naughty with my hair, going 6 months between cuts, nay, TRIMS even and generally throwing it back into a messy pony at every opportunity. Tsk tsk. Not this year though! The times they are a changin’. I contacted Jasmine from Penny...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Feb 19, 2010 | Food, Wellness Tips
♥ Here’s a delicious smoothie recipe that is one of my favourites and that I whipped up on this quiet Friday night at home! I’ve had a big week, so there’s nothing better than relaxing at home, schmoozing around and making plans for the...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Feb 14, 2010 | Alternative Therapy, Food, Wellness Tips
Diet by D’Zyne It’s often thought that dietitians are for those people who already have a health problem. Seeing a dietitian for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity or being underweight is common because it can be a way to manage, change or...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Feb 10, 2010 | Other
Roll up, roll up! I’m here to announce the EXTREMELY FORTUITOUS WINNERS of the Safire Natural Skincare Competition and what better way to celebrate than with a picture of a small mouse-like creature in a tea cup?! That’s right, there is none! The first...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Feb 7, 2010 | Food, Wellness Tips
♥ I mentioned in my previous post that I bought a bunch of organic kale for $2.50, the reason being that many of my health loving internet friends tout kale as one of the most important vegetables that you can whiz up into a healthy green smoothie. I like me...