by Annette @ Wellness WA | May 3, 2010 | Other
It’s time to announce the three LUCKY WINNERS of our April Ella Express competition! The winners were chosen completely at random by (check it out, it’s a really interesting true random number generator!) So without further dilly-dallying, our...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | May 3, 2010 | Dining, Events, Food, South of River
♥ !!! ♥ VEGAN WAFFLE PARTY – Three words, all excellent by themselves, together at last in delicious, cruelty-free, fun loving unison! Add to this that the waffles at this particular party are FREE and you’ve got yourself a sure fire winner...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 27, 2010 | Other, Wellness Tips
♥ I’ve long been the type of person to leave things until the last minute, am perpetually late, and disorganised would probably be my middle name if my parents could have seen into the future! Lucky for me, they couldn’t and I ended up with a more...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 25, 2010 | Dining, Food, Products, Reviews, South of River
♥ Manna Wholefoods & Cafe is an absolute gem for those of us who are into organic, fair-trade, raw, vegetarian / vegan, healthy or just plain tasty food & groceries. I was surprised to be informed of the existence of Manna by Conor from Perth food...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Apr 21, 2010 | Products, Reviews
♥ I’ve got a secret to let you in on. I understand you probably wont believe me, but everything I’m about to tell you is true! After years & years of suffering from the dreaded “Ailuropoda melanoleuca” affliction, I’ve been...