by Annette @ Wellness WA | Jun 15, 2010 | Other
Zumba! I’d heard a lot about Zumba, from the advertisements on TV to the seemingly overnight explosion of people talking about it on Facebook, and now the appearance of a class at my local gym. The curiosity was too much – I had to go and see what the fuss was about,...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Jun 15, 2010 | Alternative Therapy, Events, Reviews, South of River
Heath Daly & Emma Gilbert On Sunday I attended a public lecture (Cost: $15) held at La Tropicana cafe in Fremantle, it’s a lovely setting for a talk and holds a mish-mash of chairs, cushions & health interested folk. Heath Daly, our charismatic host,...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Jun 13, 2010 | Alternative Therapy, Beauty Salon, Reviews, South of River
Disclaimer: Talk about knickers & bikini lines ahead. You have been warned! So! I’ve wanted to try permanent hair reduction/removal for quite some time now, I’m tired of shaving, & waxing is a recipe for ingrown hairs! I was lucky enough to...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Jun 8, 2010 | Products, Reviews
Thalgo Extreme Comfort Cream was first recommended to me by my sister who referred to it as a ‘miracle cream’. Now, I’m pretty cynical at the best of times (especially when I hear that overused ‘miracle’ word) but I’m a big fan of moisturizers and an even bigger fan...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Jun 7, 2010 | Food, Wellness Tips
I don’t think I’ve posted this recipe before, and I’ve had a truck load of people wanting to dip their toes into the wonderful world of these murky looking smoothies! Green smoothies are one of a few things that make me feel on top of the world, full...