by Annette @ Wellness WA | Dec 7, 2010 | Interviews
Sheridan Crofts, The One Thing Music Quiz. ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! I run a music quiz business called The One Thing Music Quiz. It’s something I started from scratch a few years ago and I’m loving it! It’s...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Dec 6, 2010 | Products, Reviews
♥ I’ve always been a little bit hesitant to get into the world of leave-ins and leave-ons. Conditioners, masks all those things that I like to wash off or out so they wont just hang around on my skin or in my hair collecting dirt, weighing everything down and...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Dec 4, 2010 | Other, Wellness Tips
♥ Hiya! Okay, we’re going to change the format of this a tiny bit! First up will be all the posts from the previous week, then after that will be all the wonderful little snippets I’ve come across, that way if you’ve missed out on something...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Dec 2, 2010 | Other
Care for some venom? If you asked me to make a list of things I would never consider putting on my face, snake venom would feature in the top ten. Probably top five. I have no interest in doing such a thing even if you told me it was going to instantly lift my face...
by Annette @ Wellness WA | Dec 1, 2010 | Interviews
♥ First up tell us a little about yourself! My name is Elly Squire but I tend to be better known as my stage moniker Clara Cupcakes. I perform with Sugar Blue Burlesque in shows all over WA. I also teach Hula Hooping at the Burlesque Academy. In my real person...