A Few Weeks in the Wellness Life: Puppies, Green Smoothies, Kale Flowers & More!

by | Jul 12, 2012 | Products, Wellness Tips | 9 comments

Take a look at some of the things that have been keeping my wellbeing buzzing the past few weeks! Starting with the gorgeous roast veggies with olive oil above… I just love the colours, and they were deeeeee-licious!

Yummy grilled mushroom, tomato, haloumi, rocket and spinach stack with pesto & some delicious soy sauce type thing! Washed down with a green smoothie – it is of course still Green July!

Speaking of Green July, here’s a yummy smoothie I prepared a few days ago. I’ve just started getting into smoothies with lemon, apple, greens and UDO’s Oil in them and am LOVING the combo!

I had the opportunity to check out Vanity Box Skin Couture this weekend just past, and let me tell you – it is incredible! I’ll be giving you an in-depth look at this one-of-a-kind salon in the next few weeks, but let it be known this place is in a class of its own! Check out the website for some stunning visuals!

I have cute writers! The lovely Adriane sipping on an Eden’s Green Smoothie. These are the best, and she is pretty good too.

My boyfriend is sweet and bought me kale flowers after we had an argument, they are so pretty!

MORE Green Smoothie goodness, I’m a bit obsessed at the moment, in case you couldn’t tell ;)!

One of my all time favourite combos. Magnesium bath salts and a relaxing bath oil. Ulllllltimate bliss. I’ve found that I’m having way more baths than usual at the moment due to the cold weather, anyone else?!

And last but not least, my little houndly obsession for a few weeks – this pup was in the office I’m interning at for a while, and I was in love. Unfortunately now she is gone, but too cute not to post a pic.

Thanks for reading 🙂 If you have any questions be sure to let me know!

Be well,



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  1. Camilla Peffer

    did you make that meal yourself?!
    I have to say I’m totally a green smoothie convert. I thought the whole drinking spinach thing was a load of rhubarb, but I seriously wake up CRAVING my green smoothies now. Thanks for starting that one up Annette!

  2. Karen

    Yep it’s all about the baths right now. Epsom salts are my go-to bath for total relaxation. Is the Mag Bath a similiar idea?

  3. Lauren

    I love my hot baths at the end of the day, too – the hard part is getting out and drying off quickly so as not to get too cold again!

  4. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Hi guys!

    Camilla: the roast veggies yes, the mushroom & haloumi thingo… no unfortunately, haha!

    Green smoothies are love 😀

    Karen: Yes they are NATURAL epsom salts, the ones in the blue box are a by-product of chemical industry.

    Lauren: I hear ya ;)))! I grew up having a heat lamp in every bathroom which I certainly took for granted. 🙁

  5. Emma

    What a lovely, inspiring post Anette 🙂 It looks like you’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks. Don’t let the kale flowers get too close to your blender 😉 xx

  6. Hannah

    Do I spot some squash? I’ve never roasted or cooked with them before.. interesting. I really love all your green smoothie inspiration 🙂 Whilst I don’t have a proper blender, you’ve inspired me to get back into veggie juicing! It can be difficult when a warming cup of tea is usually all I feel like though! x

  7. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Hehe – Emma! Very cute 🙂

    Hannah – yes! I think you should invest in a ‘proper’ blender for sure. Mine cost about $80 and has lasted me 5 or so years so far xx

  8. Suzey Luong

    Wonderful post Annette into your wellness life!!! Absolutely love Green smoothies can’t go with out them anymore and loved pampering you at Vanity Box Skin Couture will hopefully see you again soon xx

  9. Jess @ Sparrow + Sea

    I love Kale flowers! They are so beautiful and unusual. I took one in to work recently in my efforts to sneakily convert people to a greener lifestyle: “look how pretty this gorgeous kale flower is! By the way, do you know how good kale is for you?”!!!!

Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

Hey there, I'm Annette!

 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

I search high & low to find the best local wellness-y gems so you know where to go to get a deluxe massage, the most zen inspiring yoga class, the best acai bowl in town… and so much more.

Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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